Grim Gunman: Part 12 [Drunken Celebration]

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9:30 PM, June 28th, 1994

[Rusty Cage by Soundgarden plays in bar]

It was a special night for the Lagoon Company, they went through a dodgy job hours ago and it was an utter waste of everyone's time. Dutch wanted to cheer the crew up by paying the drinks he and his employees to forget about their troubles. The five happily entered the Yellow Flag with excited grins on their faces. Even Rock was happy, despite wearing the pink Hawaiian shirt Revy gave him.

Dutch: Bao, get me and my friends your finest booze. I'm paying for them.

Bao: [sighs] Whatever you say, Dutch. Five rums coming right up.

Bao, the owner and bartender of the Yellow Flag, wasn't exactly the kind of guy to get along with other criminals of Roanapur. He only cared about his own business and nothing much else. So he poured a few glasses of Bacardi for the Lagoon crew and set them on the bar just as they sat down.

Benny: [smiles brightly] Just the drinks we want.

Revy: We definitely need some rum after that damn set-up.

Tony: Best medicine to take the stress away.

Tony and his friends shared a laugh.

Rock: That's true, T. Greatest stress reliever.

Revy: [chuckles] Fuckin' A. [raises her glass to Tony] Let's make this a rockin' night for us guys, huh?

Tony: [grins] Damn straight! [clinks his glass with Revy's] Let's get FUCKIN' WASTED!


Dutch: Damn right!

Everyone drank down their drinks and began loudly cheering together.

Benny: This is gonna be a fun night, for sure!

Tony: Oi, Bao! Another one! [taps bar] Pronto!

Bao: Uh-huh. The rest of you bastards are all lucky that you ain't paying.

Tony: You're lucky I'm in too much of a good mood to bash your bloody face in. DRINKS, BAO!

Dutch: Take it easy, Tony. Don't start a bar fight so soon, you hear me?

Tony: [sighs quietly] I'm good, I'm not startin' anything.

So Bao poured another set of Barcardi Rum for the crew.

Rock, whiles he was still enjoying his night, was feeling a bit embarrassed because of that pink Hawaiian shirt he was told to wear by Revy.

Tony: What's the matter with ya, Rock? You feel alright?

Rock: Y-yeah, it's just that I'm a little uncomfortable of this shirt I got.

Benny: Don't worry about it. It's just for one night, right?

Tony: Like I said before, I honestly don't give a shit what you wear, as long as it don't make you feel awkward.

Rock: Uh, just one night?

Revy: Uh-huh. If you don't feel comfy wearing that shirt, just wear what you usually wear.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now