Grim Gunman: Part 7 [Hell From Above]

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5:56 AM, June 23, 1994

The day was starting to get lighter, the darkness was slowly fading away as time advances. The P.T. Boat was driving further away from Roanapur to evade from the militaristic foes who attacked the Lagoon Company at the Yellow Flag Bar. While Dutch was focusing on heading to a safer location, Tony was sitting down in the cockpit, smoking his tenth cigarette, with Rock sitting at the opposite side.

Rock: So, where exactly are we going?

Dutch: If we maintain this speed, we should reach Belawan Port by daybreak. We'll meet Balalaika there.

Rock: Balalaika? Who..?

Tony: [exhales his smoke out from his lungs] Balalaika's a Russian Mob boss of Roanapur, or at least, I think she is. We're associated with her and Hotel Moscow, so we've been doing each other favours for quite some time.

Rock: Huh... What's she like, this Balalaika?

Dutch: You'd probably like her. As long as you give her some respect, she'll be amicable with you. Now, you don't wanna piss her off and get her on her bad side. She can get pretty scary, if she's being disrespected.

Tony: Anyway, she's the one who brought me into this Company. Let's just say, that it was the best offer I ever fuckin' accepted. [laughs quietly]

Dutch: So, Rock... Benny is getting in touch with your company as we speak.


Benny was connecting communications to the company's boss' phone line, but the connection was pretty fucking slow, thanks to Revy's knowledge of computer use and technology. Revy was in the comms room with Benny, waiting impatiently.

Revy: [exclaims irritably] What the hell? So, there is a way to get this done!

Like I said, Revy was never exactly a computer person in her life, but before I might have my head ripped off...

...back to where we were.

Dutch: If negotiations don't go well, we're gonna have to leave you in Malaya. I'm sorry. The place is crawling with lowlifes and bandits, but you should be ok for a while.

Rock: W-what..? What the hell do you mean..?

Tony: You worry too much, mate. There should be a cheap motel around Malaya, if things don't go down for ya. It's not that bad.

Rock: [stands up] Are you serious?!  You bring me this far, just to let me die?!

Tony: [sits up and steps toward Rock] Sit the fuck back down, Rock.

Rock: [turns and faces Tony] No! I'm fine where I am, asshole!

Tony frowned down at Rock, feeling a little disrespected by his new bud. Rock turned back to Dutch.

Rock: What the hell is this, after dragging me everywhere?! You're the ones who brought me here.

Tony: Like we said, gobshite; we're doin' the best we can for ya. We're still tryin' to contact your boss. What the fuck else d'you want us to do?!

Rock: The least you can do, is leave me someplace safe!

Tony: Oh, I'm sorry(!) Do YOU want to steer yourself back to Japan(?) Is that want you want, smartass?! [Rock doesn't respond, instead he just stares aggressively at Tony] Then clearly, you ain't in any position in makin' demands! So, don't tell us how to do our fuckin' jobs, Rock!

Rock: Or what? You gonna shoot me if I do?

In a nick of of time, Revy suddenly showed up from the lower floor and just entered the cockpit. She seemed to be overbearing Rock's complaining, judging the agitated expression on her face. Tony and Rock reacted to her voice, Rock quickly become nervous and Tony had very little reaction, as he just watched Revy talking to Rock as she climbed up and slowly walk up to him.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now