Grim Gunman: Part 31 [Guerillas in the Jungle]

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6:55 PM, July 23rd, 1994

After hours of travelling through the jungle to reach towards the military base where Rock was held captive, Tony, Revy and Shenhua were getting close to the location. Whilst Tony was standing by with his Auto Mag in his hand, Revy and Shenhua were sitting at the trees and looking over the base. Revy looked through her pair of binoculars and spotted some guards at the entrance

Tony: What'd you see?

Revy: Three at the west gate. Six more at the east gate. Only a 50-Calibre at the front. Any mines?

Shenhua: No mines. The camp is very often moving. Mines are too much trouble.

Tony: Well, that's good enough for me. With enough firepower and energy, we should be able to get in and take down those mercs.

Shenhua: We hurry now. If idiot friend talk, is all for nothing.

Revy: There's no need to worry. Rock's a tight-lipped guy. He wouldn't talk, even if they put him in front of a firing squad.

Revy then leaped out from the tree she was sitting on and landed close beside Tony. Shenhua came down afterwards.

Tony: So no pressure, then? I like where this is goin'. (Hope we don't wait too long, otherwise we're screwed.)

Revy: Let's move it when the sun sets. You ready, Chinglish?

Moving on, the three headed to the right direction to their destination with their own weapons ready in their hands.

Shenhua: Yes, Twinkie. I'm ready. And don't forget, when we finish job, I carve some meat off your ass, stupid whore.

Revy: [grumbles] I better have heard you wrong there. Cos otherwise, I'll burst your kneecaps and leave you here to bleed out, you mouthy bitch.

On the move, Tony rolled his eyes out of annoyance from hearing these two women behind him bickering.

Shenhua: You got lots of nerve to threaten me, Twinkie. Once I done slicing your ass in four, I take pretty boy with me and have him fuck me all night long. Jealous now?

Revy: Try my patience again, I'll end you. (Fucking bitch..! I'm this close to shutting your goddamn mouth!)

Shenhua: I bet he good in bed. Real good. He must be better than any dumb Yankee. You interested, pretty boy?

Out of pent-up frustration, Revy turned around and faced Shenhua. She clearly had enough of her shit. Despite the fact she provoked a pissed off woman with a pair of modified berettas, Shenhua still smirked with a amused look in her eyes.

Revy: Ok! I've had enough, you yellow cunt! I hear you mock me again, I'll dislocate your fuckin' jaw!!

Shenhua: [giggles] You can't handle truth, can you? I thought so.


Doing what he had to do to stop the girls from causing a riot in the jungle, Tony stepped in between the two.

Tony: Alright, that's enough! BOTH OF YOU!! We're gettin' our mate out and we have to work together, right? At this moment, I got one person at the front direction held inside the base and I got two Chinese bitches bickerin' in the back, like fuckin' schoolgirls! Now, both of you - SHUT UP!! Anyway, let's crack on!

Revy was a bit stunned from Tony's silencing. There was nothing she could argue back at her partner. Shenhua, although a bit stunned, was more offended than Revy was by Tony's words.

Shenhua: I have you know, I am pure Taiwanese, not Chinese.

Tony: Whatever! And here's the thing, Shenhua - I don't give a shit if you fancy me or not. I don't care if you got a problem with me, all I care is gettin' my friend back from the base with the extra help I can get. Now, you can help me... or piss off. The choice is yours.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now