Grim Gunman: Part 39 [The Ho-ta Spider]

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07:30 AM, August 23rd, 1994

In that bright morning, Tony had woken up, with Revy still sleeping within his arms in the creased up double bed. Wanting to get up, he kissed Revy on the cheek before getting out of bed to get dressed. While doing so, Tony hadn't seen any signs of Rock or Carlos in the hotel room. Maxi, the hotel owner, was missing too.

Tony: [yawns] The fuck did everybody go?

Tony went into the bathroom to check, but still no signs for the others. However, there was some old disgusting bile left in the toilet bowl. He came back to the hotel room and was about to wake Revy up, until his mobile phone started ringing in his pocket. Tony quickly took the phone out and answered it. The line had a faint static going on, but a voice was coming through to Tony.

Tony: Hello?

Dutch: [through phone] You awake, Tony?

Tony: I wouldn't have answered the bloody phone if I wasn't, Einstein(!)

Dutch: Listen, I just called to let you know that now is the perfect time to go after Wai Khaing.

Tony: Who? (Why can't I remember that name?)

Dutch: Wai Khaing, the Ho-ta Spider. The Burmese former soldier known for slaughtering 35 enemy troopers in Ho-ta.

Tony: [scratches his head] Right...

Dutch: What about the others? Revy?

Tony: Yeah, I'm about to wake her up in a sec. As for Rock and Carlos, I dunno where the hell they are.

Dutch: You sure they ain't- [static increases on the phone line, breaking up Dutch's voice]

Tony: Dutch?

While he was looking around, Tony discovered that the duffel gun bag, that Maxi brought in last night, was missing. Not a good sign that Tony picked up. Dutch's voice through the phone line was back, but only slightly clearer.

Dutch: [fuzzy interference] -can you hear me?

Tony: Yep, only just.

Dutch: If they're gone, then it's possible that the two had gone to track... fzzzt... Khaing by themselves.

Tony: I dunno about that... Listen Dutch, this is a bad line, you're breakin' up.

Dutch: [phone breaks up] What?

Tony: [slightly raises his voice] I said, you're breakin' up!

Dutch: [barely audible] Damn it..! Listen carefully, Tony! The man you're hunting for is extremely dangerous and can't be bargained with. It's very risky to take him in, so killing this wild son of a bitch is the safest option.

Tony: Great..(!) Not only are we gonna find this Burmese veteran, but we gotta rescue our mates before they get slaughtered by him!

Dutch: [phone line goes fuzzy] Wha- fzzzt - hear you! [static increases]

Tony: [groans in frustration] Fuck's sake..! Me and Revy are gonna find this crazy bastard before he kills both our friends!

The phone call mostly consisted of static and Dutch's voice breaking up into stutters and jumbled sentences.

Tony: [sighs aggressively] God... What the fuck?! I'll call you later!

Tony ended the phone call, since he was unable to get through to Dutch in a clear phone line. His yelling nearly woke Revy up, as she was still lying peacefully in the double bed under the smooth comforter.

Tony: Revy! Revy, get up!

The Gunman shook up Revy from her slumber until she was fully awake. She yawned out before she turned her eyes onto Tony and smirked softly.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now