Grim Gunman: Part 16 [Die Verdammten Seelen]

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Warning: This page contains heavily graphic violence and acts of torture.

Flashback, 1978

A 12-year-old Tony was in a manky alleyway, a part of the unpleasant city in London. He was taking all the nasty beatings from a small gang of Neo-Nazi teenagers. They were relentlessly kicking and punching the shit out of Tony. The poor kid was on the ground, trying to get up. Five disgraceful thugs were still beating him down like a punching bag. His face was covered in nasty bruises, the same goes for his chest and stomach.

Neo-Nazi 1: Come on, you worthless bastard! Try to fight back and be a man!

Neo-Nazi 2: Do it for your home country, you cunt! [kicks Tony in the rib]

Tony: [groans in pain, clenching his ribs] Enough..! I don't want anymore of this!

Neo-Nazi 1: Is that you want, you Northern twat?!

One of the Nazi thugs grabbed and pulled Tony up by his shirt and pushed him right onto a brick wall. The impact did a number on Tony's back.

Neo-Nazi 3: Either you wanna support our cause, or go back to the North where you belong!

Tony: The last thing I'll bloody want is to kiss Hitler's arse, ya fuckin' sickos. I don't care for politics, but I won't join your fuckin' party!

One of the Neo-Nazis struck Tony in the nose, causing it to bleed out from the nostrils. He was now on the ground, wiping the blood away with his sleeve. The young man could hear the chanting from the thugs who nearly beaten him to a bloody pulp.

Neo-Nazi 2: C'mon, get up! Get up, you little twat!

Tony: Alright... Let's get to it.

Tony slowly got himself up and faces one of the punks with a fierce stare. He had enough of all the beatings from those disgraceful thugs. In that moment, Tony threw a quick punch at one Nazi punk who was closest to him, hitting him in the cheek. He then punched his chin, his jaw and then kicked him into a couple of metal bins lying about in the alley. The rest of the Wannabe-Nazi kids watched as the kid they were beating up was finally standing up against them.

Tony: You wanna fight me, ya fuckin' mongrels?! C'mon, let's go!

Two of the punks tried to overpower Tony by running into him, but the young man managed to avoid getting trampled, since he dodged their insane charge. He then grabbed one of the punks by the shoulders from behind and kneed him in his lower back, causing him to fall on the floor. The other Nazi thrown a fierce punch to where Tony was, only to have his arm grabbed at the left by the youngster himself and gotten pulled right against a solid wall. With the punk group leader stunned by the damage given to the back of his head, Tony threw a strong punch right into the thug's face, making his nose gush out with blood and a tooth to fly away from his mouth. Tony punched him again and again, both right in his damn face and stomach until he collapsed while he was against the wall.

Tony: I ain't no coward! I'm better than you lot!

The last Neo-Nazi standing got up on his feet and attempted to hit Tony with a brick, only to fail at hitting the kid, as Tony himself dodged the brick and struck the teen in the ribs, possibly cracking one or two of them. After that, Tony grabbed the brick from the thug's hand and hit him in the groin with it. That move made the no-good Nazi supporter to fall on his knees and groan in pain whilst on the ground.

Tony: [tossed brick away] For now, I'll make sure none of you disgustin' pigs ever harm any innocent people and children. Hell, I'll make sure that none of you return Hitler's recognition, you kraut-lovin' fascists!

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