Grim Gunman: Part 41 [Less Talk, More Action]

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10:37 AM, November 5th, 1994

At Hotel Moscow HQ, Balalaika was giving her guests a briefing in her office on the next assignment. Tony and Revy were sitting down whilst Sombra was standing behind them, paying attention to his Russian employer.

Balalaika: Since I've brought you three over, I might as well start right away on what your tasks are for today. Your job is to dispose Brent Munson, who recently started his own small gang of amateur firearm traders.

Tony: Munson..? I've heard of that name before?

Balalaika: He was that gang leader who ran out of his old warehouse while he slaughtered the rest of his own men.

Tony: Damn, he's still around?

Balalaika: Apparently so. Munson is at some other old warehouse called Ṭ̄hān thī̀ mạ̀n, it's in north west of Roanapur and is a medium-sized base, as far as I can describe it.

Revy: Is it heavily guarded?

Balalaika: It's guarded, but not securely. It's not exactly a fortress of solitude, so it shouldn't be too difficult to take out all hostiles in that location. The warehouse only has crappy three security cameras I have a blueprint that shows the interior and design of the warehouse.

Balalaika took out the blueprint sheet of the warehouse's design and handed it out for anyone to take it. Sombra stepped forward and took it from Balalaika's hand.

Sombra: I will have a look at it while we head over to Ṭ̄hān thī̀ mạ̀n.

Balalaika: [smiles sweetly] Splendid. Do your job right and I'll pay you three even more handsomely.

Revy: You'll pay us more, huh, Sis? I guess that $50,000 reward each of us had wasn't enough.

Balalaika: [hums in delight] Well, the sooner you get it done, the more likely you'll all get it.

Tony: Well, we heard the woman. Let's head over to that warehouse.

Tony, Revy and Sombra left Balalaika's office and exited Hotel Moscow HQ to get into Tony's ride. Just as the team started heading to their destination, the car stereo started playing rock music when Tony started the car.

[Turn Up The Radio played by Autograph plays on car stereo]

On the way, Revy started smoking in the passenger seat. Sombra was sitting in the backseat this time, reading the blueprint sheet. Tony had been driving past a few green lights and drove up the road en-route to the warehouse.

As she blew out the smoke through the open passenger window, Revy was thinking about asking stuff about Sombra, wanting to get to know him. She and Tony had a bit of a row a couple of days ago, so Revy decided to wanna get to know Sombra as a way to mock Tony.

Revy: So, Sombra... Anything you wanna tell us about yourself?

Sombra: Not at all.

Revy: Hm? (I thought he'd say something like that. Still, I gotta ask him.) Surely, there's somethin' else interesting about you? Like where are you from exactly, when you started working or what you do outside of killing.

Sombra: My personal life is none of your concern, Two Hands.

Revy: [playfully] C'mon! I'm only tryna gettin' to know you! At least, tell us bits about yourself! [aggressive] God, why are you fuckin' brits such miserable shits?

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