Grim Gunman: Part 42 [Behind the Mask]

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Tony found himself lying on a floor. As he got up, he discovered that he had his back against the cold, blood-covered tiles. The Grim Gunman also found out that he was wearing nothing but his underwear. Already shocked from all of this, Tony looked around and realised that he was inside a storage room, full of naked dead bodies. The bodies were a mix of women, children and a handful of young men.

Tony: N-no..! No! Not this again! Anythin' but this!!

There was a familiar song that started playing in the room. Tony remembered hearing it back at the gas station a couple of months back. It was causing Tony to panic even more, as well as sweat more profusely. Then, he spotted a rumbling going on with the piles of bodies in the corner. There was something coming out from underneath and it was something... inhuman, so unnatural.

Tony tried the handle to open the door to leave the storage room, but it wouldn't move nor the door would budge. He kept trying to push it open, but nothing worked. All he could do now was watch something crawl out of the body pile.

A fleshy creature crawled out from under the dead bodies, slowly revealing itself. It was a monster that was a mix of human skin, eyes, mouths and tentacle-like tongues. All the eyes appeared to be varied in colours, there were blue, green and brown eyes that were covering the foul creature.

 All the eyes appeared to be varied in colours, there were blue, green and brown eyes that were covering the foul creature

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Tony: Holy mother of...

It slithered towards Tony as it began letting out a bunch of screams that came from all the victims of those redneck gas attendants from one of Tony's previous jobs back in August. The screams were getting louder and they were sounding more agonised and desperate.

Tony: Go away! Leave me alone!!

Without any weapons on him or around him, Tony was completely defenceless. He kept trying to barge the door open, but the door was still shut. The flesh monster had gone closer to Tony as it began to stretch out its tongues.

Tony: S-stay back!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!

Tony had his back against the door as the monsters tongues were reaching out to him, blood already dripping down from the appendages.


As he continued begging for the monster to stop, its tongues were already getting close to touching Tony, especially around his face. But then... his vision faded.

November 9th, 1994


Suddenly waking up from that total nightmare, Tony had smacked someone away from him, who was getting awfully closer to him, and rushed out of bed. He picked up his .44 Auto Mag pistol and pointed it at the person in the room: Revy.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now