Grim Gunman: Part 40 [Sombra]

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09:05 AM, November 2nd, 1994

In the Grim Gunman's apartment, a telephone on the bedside table was ringing next to Tony, who was sleeping in his roughed-up bed. He got up and picked up the phone to answer.

Tony: [tiredly] Yo... Who am I speaking to?

Balalaika: [through phone] Antony. Have you just got up?

Tony: Yeah, Miss. Is there a reason you're callin' me?

Balalaika: Oh, there's always a reason. It'd be foolish to not have one. Anyway, I wish to speak to you in my office. I'm in a middle of a conversation with a couple of bosses from other groups. I'm sure, you'd show up around the time the meeting ends.

Tony: [teasingly] Oh, you'd rather do this in person than on the phone? What are ya plannin', Miss?

Balalaika: [giggles softly] Honestly, you're such an enigma. Now, would you kindly come over here before I change my mind?

Tony: [chuckles] Of course. I'll be there right away.

Tony ended the call before he got up to get dressed. After getting his .44 Cannon ready (for security reasons), he left his home apartment and gone to his car to drive over to Hotel Moscow's Headquarters.

At Hotel Moscow's Headquarters

To speak with Balalaika, Tony entered her office, where Balalaika herself was speaking to a couple of tan-skinned men. One of them was Abrego, the leader of the Manisarera Cartel, and the other was Verrocchio, an Italian Mob boss. Tony knew of the two and he wasn't a fan of them, since they were both assholes. But unlike Abrego, Verrocchio was more aggressive and let his fists do the talking before his own damn mouth.

Abrego: But this isn't right! How the fuck can he get 25 percent of the marketing while I get 18 percent?!

Balalaika: You should've thought of that before you accepted the deal.

Abrego: Damn you! This is bullshit, and you know it!

Not replying back, Balalaika let out a small, yet smug smile as she stared up at Abrego from her desk.

Verrocchio: Quit your fuckin' complaining, taco! I say I get the goddamn percent I deserve, just like what this Ruski promised!

Abrego: If you only you greasers didn't come here, then the operations around Roanapur woulda run a lot more smoother!

Verrocchio: [grumbles angrily] You wanna say that again, you cocksucker?! I wanna hear what you'd just said!!

Unfazed in what the conversation was about, Tony approached the two pissed off mob bosses. As he showed up behind them, Abrego and Verrocchio turned around and faced him. Both of them weren't too pleased to meet the Grim Gunman himself. Verrocchio was already getting mad from the way Tony was looking at him in such a calm manner.

Verrocchio: What the fuck are ya lookin' at, huh?

Tony: A couple of uppity cunts who think they're high and mighty, when they're not.

Verrocchio: WHAT?!! [to Abrego] You know this fuckin' wise guy?!

Abrego: Yeah, I do. His name's Tony or whatever. He goes by the name: Grim Gunman. Fuckin' wannabe cowboy. Still, why is he here?

Balalaika: I've invited the Grim Gunman over, since I've got a very important job for him.

Verrocchio: Oh, you're that guy, eh? Lemme tell ya somethin'; Just because you killed a bunch of this spic's boys, it don't mean I should be intimidated by the likes of yous! Now, I heard you beat up a couple of my guys down in that goddamn cafe shop! Am I right?!

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