Grim Gunman: Part 20 [Well-Rested Morning]

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08:37 AM, July 4th, 1994

Opening his eyes, Tony looked up at the ceiling. He already felt well rested, even after that intense sex night he enjoyed with Revy. For the first time, Tony had slept with no struggle. No night terrors, no flashbacks, no voices in his head. Just calm, blissful sleep. Tony looked to his right, seeing the sunlight going through the blinds of the window. He was already aware that he was in Revy's messy apartment. Sitting his head up from the mattress, Tony stretched himself out and let out a short yawn.

Revy: Morning, hotshot.

Looking to his left after hearing her voice, Tony spotted Revy, who was clearly awake and she already had a cigarette in her mouth. Her upper body was exposed, leaving her lower body underneath the covers.

Tony: Heh... Mornin', luv.

The two smiled warmly to each other. Revy picked up a pack of Marlboro and took out one of the cigs from the carton.

Revy: [offers Tony a cigarette] Care for a smoke?

Accepting her offering, Tony took the cig and placed it on his lip. Revy took out a lighter from the floor, leaving Tony to have a view of her back, revealing her tribal tattoo. She ignited a flame and then lit up Tony's smoke. Afterwards, the couple breathed in the smoke of their own cigarettes, taking in the warm sensation. Seeing Tony's back, Revy spotted a tattoo of ACAB on his upper back area.

Revy: [smirks] I hope that night cured that insomnia of yours.

Tony: Yeah... [exhales cigarette smoke] Seems like it. It's nice to wake up, not feelin' like shit for a change.

Revy laughed as the smoke left her smooth lips. She moved herself over to Tony and wrapped her arms around his body. Feeling her good-lookin' partner, she felt the scars around his chest and abdomen. Revy started tenderly kissing Tony's back. She even pressed her lips against some old scratches that didn't seem to be stuck with the gunman.

Revy: (Even though they seem faint, they still feel quite noticeable.) So, tough guy... what's with the scars, huh? Tell about your time in the can.

Tony: During my 10 year sentence, I got involved in riots and gang fights. I didn't get along with a lot of crooks. Ha ha... I was a young angry git then.

Revy: Mmm... [kisses Tony's ACAB tattoo] I get the web ink on your elbow. But, what the hell does ACAB mean exactly? Lemme guess; "Always Carry A Bible"?

Tony: "All Cops Are Bastards". Especially in my country. [He and Revy start laughing] I had my ink done by some Scottish inmate. He got done for butcherin' some twat who fucked his wife.

As Revy rubbed her hands around Tony's stomach, she felt a rough, bigger scar on his side, just underneath his rib.

Revy: Shit, that must've been a nasty gash. How'd that happen, T?

Tony: [inhales his cigarette smoke] I got into a rough brawl with a rival gang member, who got arrested the same time I did. [blows out the smoke] He was an absolute cunt 'til he stopped messin' with me. During that fight, he took out a glass shard out of his pocket and shanked me. Even while I was bleedin' like a motherfucker, the anger and adrenaline got into me. I then sunk my teeth into one of his ears and ripped half of it off.

Revy: [with intrigue] Damn... Guess you showed him not to fuck with you, huh?

Tony: [hums in agreement] Not only that, but I stomped his stomach so much, he could no longer shit properly.

Revy: [chuckles] So, about that old gash of yours... does it still hurt?

Tony: [shakes his head] Nah... After years of gettin' stabbed and slashed, I eventually gotten used to the pain. Doesn't bother me like it used to.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now