Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman Part 1 [Introduction]

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9:00 AM, June 5th, 1994

After several hours of sleep, Tony got outta bed and gets himself washed in the shower before getting dressed. He put on his leather holster and got his own gun with him. Tony was already given what he needed; a map of Roanapur, an unlicensed car, some extra clips for his SW 1911's and even a note written by Balalaika herself. "Grim Gunman, the Lagoon Company will be waiting for you in their recreational place. Don't be too late." Tony then made his way down from his apartment to the car parked nearby. It was an old, grey BMW E3.

[Car stereo plays Rush Rush by Deborah Harry]

While driving his way to the "recreational centre", Tony sees more scum and crooks minding their own businesses. Pirates, cartel members, drug dealers and ex-military thugs, etc. The place literally is a Vice City.

Tony: [Heh, I don't see a lot of cops around here. Either they're on holiday or they just don't give a shit.]

It took about a few minutes until Tony finally got to where he's suppose to meet the crew. There was already someone waiting for him just near the doorway. That person appears to be a black bloke with shades on and a goatee. Tony got out of his BMW and the black man walked toward him.

"You're late," the man told him. "But, you made it here anyways." He held his hand out to Tony. He firmly grasped his hand and shook it. "Hello, mate." He said, "I'm Tony. You must be my boss." "I prefer 'employer'," the man replied. "By the way, the name's Dutch. Balalaika told me about you and your last job for a previous organisation. You must be pretty damn crazy to be working with us."

Tony: I didn't have much of a fuckin' choice back then. So, fuck my last employer and let's get straight into the business, Dutch.

Dutch: Alright. Then you'd best come with me, Tony. Still don't know why you're wearing those ugly-ass threads.

Tony: [offended] Hey, we doing this or what?!

Dutch: [chuckles lightly] Just saying that outfit don't look right.

Both Tony and Dutch head inside the place and went upstairs to have the full introduction with the rest of the crew. The two entered the room where only two people were having their downtime. One Asian girl relaxing on one of the sofas while reading a magazine and one guy with blonde hair playing darts.

[Broken Wings by Mr. Mister plays in the rec room]

Dutch: Here's the rest of the company. That man over there is Benny, our technician, boat navigator and computer hacker.

Tony: You have a tech geek in the team?

Dutch: Yeah. He's also our driver. Benny's been with us for about a year and he's already proven to us reliable. Now, that girl lying over there is Revy, she's the crew's gunslinger.

Tony: [seductively looks at Revy] Uh huh. She looks like a real hot mess.

He wasn't wrong. Revy looked pretty damn attractive. With those cut-down denim shorts that shows off 30% of her ass cheeks, a short black tank top that exposes that toned belly of hers and a tribal tattoo that runs from her right shoulder to her arm.

Dutch: Just mind yourself when you're around her. She's known as "Two Hands" for a reason.

Tony: Heh-

Dutch: Not that kind of reason, Tony. Revy'd rip your teabags off if you piss her off. And she often gets pissed off quite easily.

Tony: Don't worry about me, I'm not unfamiliar with aggressive shitheads or crazy chicks.

Dutch: [doubtful]'ll learn. Alright, you two. We already know we got ourselves a new crew mate. This limey bastard here [roughly pats Tony in the back] is Tony Harper, the Grim Gunman. He transferred here from a part of London called Crooked City after he fucked up on his last job.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now