Grim Gunman: Part 25 [The Unstoppable Chambermaid]

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Tony jolted up awake in the back of the wrecked up car. Apart from the headache and the slight pain in his rib area, Tony was okay. He looked around, noticed that Revy's still knocked out in the back. Garcia was knocked out with glasses lying about on his head. Tony looked out through the window and spotted Roberta, who was stuck onto the cargo crate like a squid stuck to a wall.

Tony: Did... did I get her..?

Dutch, Benny and Rock woke up and slowly recovered from the crash.

Dutch: [adjusts his sunglasses] It pays to be a religious man, after all. All survivors, speak of.

Tony: [shakes the glasses off his hair] Shit... what a bump that was.

Rock: Somehow, we're all alive.

Dutch: What about Revy?

Tony: She's still out-cold. We need to get to a clinic after all this. Garcia, you ok?

Garcia wasn't responding, he was still unconscious from the crash. Tony shook Garcia up a bit to get him up.

Tony: C'mon, lad! Not you too! Wake up, Garcia!

Garcia had woken up after Tony called out his name. Tony carefully brushed off the glass shards from his hair and shirt.

Garcia: What... what happened?

Tony: I think we all just crashed into a dockyard or somethin'. You feelin' alright?

Garcia: Yeah, my head just hurts a bit, that's all.

Rock: You ok, Benny?

Before Benny could answer, he looked out through the broken windshield. He spotted a dent in the cargo crate and gasped in realisation. Tony also spotted the dent, it was where Roberta was stuck onto. But now, she was no longer there. However, a soft landing was heard close by and the crew, along with Garcia, looked over to that sound. Roberta landed back on the ground with a pistol in her left hand.


Tony: Fuckin' iron, from the looks of it!

Tony checked up in on the unconscious Revy, trying to wake her up again.

Tony: Revy, wake up! [shakes her about] Wake up! Goddamn it! I think the couple of punches I gave her must've worsened her concussion! Fuck! I've got no choice!

He then took out one of Revy's Cutlasses, giving himself extra firepower.

Dutch: Tony, what are you doing?

Tony: I might as well get myself a literal extra gun. I'll keep hold of this Cutlass, 'til Revy gets up.

Tony looked at Roberta, who was just standing outside, like a zombie maid. He glared at her with such a sharp intend of fighting her.

Tony: This bitch is trained for this kinda shit. She's got the strength of a real determined fighter and she won't stop until she gets her master back. I'll deal with her myself.

In his deadly courage, Tony kicked the car door open. Before he could full get out of the car, Garcia reached out his arm and grabbed Tony's wrist.

Garcia: Wait, Tony! Don't kill her! Please!

Dutch: A little too late for that now.

Tony looked down at Garcia with concern. The young boy's eyes were filled with worry and fear for his maid's life.

Tony: [sighs] I'm afraid, I can't make that promise, Garcia.

Garcia: But... Roberta...

Tony: Just stay in the back with Rock! It'll be alright!

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now