Grim Gunman: Part 29 [Lock'n Load Revolution]

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11:34 AM, July 22nd, 1994

In his living room of his apartment, Tony was sitting down at the sofa, drinking coffee and eating cereal whilst watching TV. There was nothing much else on, as he kept flipping over the channels, from boring news broadcasts and crappy tv sitcoms. Tony left the TV on CNN, since there was nothing for him to watch. On CNN news, a footage was focused on the city of Roanapur, where a huge trail of black smoke was leaving at the background, probably from the destruction of a building. The reporter named Jake Chambers appeared on the site on top of some other building.

Jake Chambers: This is an unmitigated tragedy. Sources of the scene tells us that not much remains of the embassy. What we know so far is that 37 embassy employees have been killed and 150 wounded. The Zaire military is currently continuing with its rescue efforts. Right after the bombing, a terrorist organisation calling themselves "The Protectors of the Islamic Front"-

Tony switched off his TV just before finishing his cup of coffee.

Tony: Huh... Just what I wanna hear(!) A terrorist cell of rag heads blew up some embassy. The world's gone to shit...

Then, the sound of a few knocks was heard at the apartment door.

Tony: Who is it?

Rock: [behind the door] It's me, Tony. Are you dressed up?

Tony: Huh-uh. It's open, Rock. Come in.

Rock opened the door and stepped into Tony's apartment. He looked at the living room, which had some old whiskey stains on the floorboards and a few empty bottles that were left on the counters of the kitchen side. The place had a slight smell of cigarette smoke that reached into Rock's nostrils.

Rock: You know, you should at least keep this place a little tidy. [pinches his own nose] Or better yet, you might as well put a car freshener to get rid of that awful stench.

Tony: Sorry, Jane Austen(!) Last time I remembered, we're on some shitty end of Thailand, instead of the fancy side of London. So, what'd you want, ball-buster?

Rock: Well, we got a job to do. Dutch said it's urgent.

Tony: How urgent?

Rock: It involves Mr. Chang, the boss of the Triads in the Thailand Branch. It's a huge request, apparently.

Tony: Mr. Chang? Never heard of him.

Rock: Really? We've mentioned him before.

Tony: [confused] Did we? I don't recall hearin' his bloody name.

Rock: Dutch and Revy talked about him at the bar weeks ago. Remember?

Tony: No, cos I was fuckin' drunk most of those times! How the hell can I remember you lot talkin' about Mr. Chan?

Rock: Mr. Chang.

Tony: Whatever. It still doesn't change the fact that I can't remember the bleedin' git.

Rock: Look, we're on a tight schedule now, Tony. So are you gonna come with or not?

Tony: [sighs] A'right. I'll head over there and see Dutch. [gets up from his seat] Besides, I've hardly done anythin' exciting for the past few days. (Except for the company time with me partner, that is.)

Rock: Right. But first, we need to get Revy, since she hasn't shown up at the shop yet.

Tony: Ah, cool. Let's head down to the car, assuming you drove all the way here, right?

Rock: Yep. Let's go, T.

Both Tony and Rock left the apartment room and took a lift to head down quicker.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now