Grim Gunman: Part 6 [Rock]

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7:13 PM, 22nd June, 1994

Dutch decided to take a break before he could continue sailing the crew, the businessman and himself back to Roanapur. But first, he decided to speak to Revy about why she took that guy from the delivery ship and speak with Tony for getting along with that action.

Inside the boat, while Tony and Revy were chilling out, Mr. Japanese comes in, still shaken from the recent events.

Tony: Hey, you're here. Came to warm yourself up from the cold, ocean air(?) [chuckles]

The man didn't say anything, he was just looking down and leaning against one of the doors. This made Tony tut in annoyance.

Tony: Look man, I know that snatchin' ya from that ship was sudden and you're worried for you life right now, cos we threatened ya and all that. But please, crack a fuckin' smile, at least. [To Revy] He really needs to lighten the fuck up.

Revy: Uh-huh. No fuckin' sense of humour, whatsoever.

Not knowing what to do next, the salaryman sat down against the wall. Dutch then marched into the room, definitely not a friendly sign.

Dutch: Revy, what in the hell are you planning to do with this hostage, now that you brought him with us, huh? C'mon! And Tony, why the hell did you let this happen? Are you two even thinking straight?

Tony: Aw c'mon, Dutch! A little bonus pay wouldn't hurt us, would it?

Dutch: What the hell are you talking about?

Revy: You don't get it, do ya? You just don't get it, do ya, Dutch? Think about it, [points two fingers out] we're getting paid twenty grand for this job! Twenty grand!

Dutch groaned lowly, hardly believing what his employees had in mind.

Tony: In case you didn't understand, we brought this dipshit over with us for ransom, so that the job would be really worth the trouble. Don't ya see, Dutch? We're just gettin' shit pay!

Revy: Exactly! Heh - What's wrong with collectin' a bonus by asking for a ransom?

Benny: [From the other room, leans back on his chair] You two are being too simpleminded.

Tony couldn't even make a response towards Benny's blunt judgement. Revy though...


Benny: [dismissive] Not really. [leans toward his computer]

Dutch: [sarcastically] So...who's gonna negotiate with Japan? You? Tony? [Revy narrows her eyes at Dutch] Do you have their phone number? How about a bank account to receive the ransom pay?

Revy was already getting tired of Dutch's remarks. She slowly groans as she was gritting her teeth. Tony was getting annoyed, but he was still sitting down, staring at Dutch. Revy's groaning then turned into shouting.

Revy: [yells] FINE THEN!

She aggressively kicked the box that was close to her, causing the empty beer cans on top of it to fly off.

Revy: [grabs her Cutlass from her right holster, points it at the salaryman and firing without looking] We'll just shoot his ass and throw him overboard!

Tony: WOAH! The fuck you doing?!

The salaryman was scared stiff, even as Revy's bullets were hitting the wall but missing him.

Mr. Japanese: STOP IT!

The bullets were nearly ricochetting off inside the boat. They were bouncing against all the walls and doors around the room. Tony ducked and covered his head from the gunshots.

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now