Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman Part 2 [The First Job]

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9:55 AM, June 5th, 1994

[You Could Be Mine by Guns N' Roses plays in rec room]

It's been about half an hour since Dutch left to look for some available work for his employees. While Benny was quietly watching a porno on his computer, Tony and Revy were relaxing and smoking in the rec room, still waiting for some action.

Tony: Tell me, Revy, is there anywhere else in Roanapur where I can enjoy myself? Like a bar, for instance?

Revy: We usually have a drink at the Yellow Flag Bar. Bao makes the best rum there.

Tony: Mmm, I could go for some rum. Problem is, though, is that I barely got any cash on me.

Revy: [rolls her eyes] Hopefully, your first job should pay you enough. 500 bucks would do for you. (He's not exactly that much of an investor. Oh, the fuck am I saying? Neither am I.)

Tony: [exhales his smoke] (Shit, why didn't I transfer my fucking money? Fuck it, it doesn't matter. At least, the job would get me a good paying start. But, I need more than $500. I'm no fucking chump.)

Revy: (I wanna know more about this new guy. He might be good for a laugh.) Since you're the new guy, tell me about yourself, Tony.

Tony: Oh, now you give a shit(?)

Revy: Yeah, big fucking surprise(!) Y'know what? Fuck you too, then.

Tony: Hey, I didn't mean to say that. I was only pulling your leg.

Revy wasn't listening that time. She picked up another celeb mag from a table and read it whilst ignoring Tony's excuses.

Tony: (Well, I fucked up this conversation. Well done, Tony. You utter twat.)

Revy: (God, I only wanted to get to know you and you dismiss me like that? Fucking prick.)

After a while, Dutch finally came back.

Dutch: I hope you two are already getting along. Tony, I've found just the right job for you. A guy named Carlos told me he's got a small shipment of SMGs that he wants to give us. He wants you to meet him at the Mexican restaurant where his friends own the place.

Tony: Carlos, huh? Sounds generous of him. Didn't think he'd have connections here on this place.

Dutch: You do your job right and you'll get your cut. But, I won't want you to go on your own.

Tony: Why? Carlos is a mate of mine. He's not gonna stab me in the fucking back.

Dutch: I believe you. You just need someone who can watch your back while you retrieve that shipment. I want Revy to be your partner for the time being.

Revy: [Shocked] WHAT?! You want me to go with this shithead?!

Tony: Oi! [Tony and Revy stood up and faced each other] Who are you calling a shithead, bitch?! You wanna fucking start?!

Revy: [Clenches her fist] Oh, I always start first before your dumb ass showed up here!

Dutch: Ok, you two. Knock it off. You both need to look out for each other, not squabble.

Although they stopped shouting, both Revy and Tony looked fiercely at each other.

Revy: (Dumb, limey fuckwit...)
Tony: (Little, banana cunt...)

Dutch: Tony, you go and wait outside. I need to speak with Revy here.

Tony: I'm on it. [Walks away from the room whilst still staring at Revy]

Revy: Why the fuck are you on his side, Dutch?! Goin' easy on the new guy, are ya?!

Dutch: No, Revy. Just behave yourselves. You kill Tony yourself, I'm cutting your payment. You two need to ease the fuck down. Or else...

Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman (Male OC Story and Male OC X Revy!)Where stories live. Discover now