part 15 -the valley!

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As Evelin got out of the car she remained still, staring at the forest in front. The forest in which Jason had died.....

For a moment she thought she heard her screams the moment she opened her eyes and saw Jason's body. The arrow that was meant for her ripped his heart killing him instantly. Her nose remembered the smell of blood in the air. Hers and Jason's. She was hit earlier by an arrow in the waist and losing blood in fearsome speed. Her scar ached at memorance of the attack.

"Evelin.... hello... Evelin! "Emma's calls brought her in present.

"Sorry, what?"she felt her lips dry.

"I've been calling you for ten minutes. Where is your mind?"

"Sorry...." she said and couldn't believe what she heard. "Did you say ten minutes? "

'Yeah. You've been staying still from the moment we arrived. Everyone already managed to make, by magic of course, a little house in the forest. Every house is next to the other. Come on. The second car came too. You have to decide with whom you'll be spending the night with."

Evelin followed Emma in the woods where small houses popped out like mushrooms. There she saw Beck with a female wizard trying to create something but seemed to be arguing about it next to what appeared to be Emma's and Kelly's house.

"No!" he shouted " use a simpler spell!"

"Jeez!!" the woman rolled her eyes on him. " relax! You are confusing me... step back for a second."

The woman closed her eyes concentrated and streched her palms towards the ground. A second later buds started spring up from the soil and in a few blinks grow up to trees that shaped up on a wooden house.Owww.... she thought. She 'd never seen anything like that before.

At the time Beck's and Evelin's eyes connected she saw a smile being drawn on his face. She was about to go next to him and greet him when she heard Steven's voice calling her.

"Evelin! Come over here for a minute please..."

She gave Beck a half smile and pointed towards Steven's house. He didn't seem really happy but shaked his head.Later he shaped with his lips.

Evelin entered Steven's temporary place with heavy heart and the atmosphere wasn't much better.  She found Steven sitting in the corner. He seemed devastated for a reason.  His gaze on the floor with his palms supporting his head.

"Steven... I mean dad.... what happened?  What's wrong? " she rushed towards him.

"I... I just got a notice saying the wolf won't be joining us in the mission." He didn't look up nor moved an inch.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE WON'T BE JOINING US? YOU'RE KIDDING ME RIGHT? THAT BASTARD! I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T TRUST HIM. HOW COULD HE ABANDON US NOW?!!?" she was furious.  Evelin felt her blood boil from anger . They had count on his help and he would just ignore them?!

"Evelin please keep your voice down..." Jonathan advised from the corner of the room.Evelin jumped surprised by his present.  She hadn't notice her was there too.Shit. She'd called him dad infront of someone while Steven warned her not to let anyone know of their relationship.

"What your father meant" Jonathan continued" is that he had a serious matter to attend to so he travel abroad.  The thing is that he was going to join us a while before we start but he was ambushed and attacked by the goverment. We were just informed that he is wounded and he can't travel fast enough to join us."

She was left with her jaw open. It's not that he didn't want to join them but still.... damn did he have to be attacked now of all times?  That idiot!  They only had two days before they ...murder her mum...

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