part 17 -wrong guess.

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Evelin provoked the guards to follow her so as to help her mother escape. Now she was running in the hall looking for a window to jump but they were all sealed so she kept running to find an exit. She was in front of two roads

She turned left, but to her surprise when she turned in the hallway she was found facing a dead end. She had guessed wrong.

Oh crap.... she was done for.

The guards were only a few steps away so she couldn't go back. They would capture her. At that moment she remembered a vision she had some weeks ago while she was with Maison. Her being tortured by the guy who was responsible for Jason's death and who had scarred her waist.

"Well, well.... what do we have here? " she heard a chuckle and turned around.

There she saw seven guards looking at her vengeful. She couldn't deal with them all but that didn't mean she wouldn't try.

She put up a protecting shield and started casting attacking spells really fast. Some worked while others not but that didn't discouraged her, instead Evelin continued using every spell she had learn or at least could remember. The result was three of them to be unconscious and two injured. The other two seemed to be stronger but hope had started to build up inside her. Maybe she could take them all down but keep one conscious to tell her how to leave that place.

Everything was going according to her plan. All the guards were knocked out and she was fighting with the last of them. She was about to give her final blow and question him about the exit when she heard a voice that froze her blood.

"ENOUGH! !! The show ends here."

She turned around and faced the one person in the entire world she would never thought twice about killing. The man with the scar that started above his eyebrow and ended on his lip ruining it. She froze. She had in front of her the bastard who ended Jason's life. She wanted to jump at him and punch him, kick him, beat him till he begged her to kill him but instead she froze. It was impossible to move. She just stared at his face with hate written in hers.

"Easy sugar, you don't want to mess with me." He guessed her thoughts.

"Oh.... you are so mistaken. Messing with you is exactly what I want. And to be specific, what I want is TO MESS YOU UP!!!"she yelled at him and pushed her body in front without knowing what she was doing.

And she was with her hands tied behind her back in the blink of an eye. He was fast... and then she felt an electrical wave climbing her spine. And then another and another till she fainted.

***Some hours later...***

Evelin opened her eyes but only darkness was visible. She felt her whole body sore and couldn't move her legs or arms. The though upset her as she started to move but couldn't. Something had tied her down. Her eyes tried to focus as she became accustomed to the lack of light.

A man was standing on the opposing wall with his back on it and his hands on his chest. And then she recognized him. The scarred man. She remembered everything, from her try to save her mum till the moment he..... electrocuted her! Once again she tried to attack him but couldn't. She observed her hands and noticed large chains circling them and her legs tight.

"Easy sugar.... feeling better? "He seemed to be enjoying it.

"You as****e! Let me go! "She yelled.

"Watch your tongue sugar. If you wanna keep it. For now having it is convenient to take the information I need but later... the cat may eat it, sugar. "He laughed at her.

"Don't. Call. Me. Sugar!!!Bastard!!!" She yelled again.

"Don't talk back. Or you'll regret it." His voice became a whisper sealing his words in a promise. She gulped. "And if you don't want me to call you sugar... how should I call you then pretty? "

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