Part 28- Now I Know

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The wind was howling outside the building. The night had become the day and the party was just a memory. Someone must have rushed for help cause when Evelin woke up she was lying on her bed puzzled about last night's actions. All she remembered was Timothy's party and then... just mixed pictures.

She noticed Beck and her parents at the end of her bed having a heated conversation. She wanted to ask them to keep it down but their conversation caught her interest.

"You know how much I despise him Steven, I would be more than happy to put the blame on him but that's not the case. Neither of us even touched her!" Beck yelled and Rebecka hissed.

"Keep it down! She shouldn't wake up, she needs rest after the crash. "She sneaked a peek at Evelin who pretended to be asleep.

"Sorry." He murmured. "As I was saying Wolf didn't touched her, nor I. We were too focused on beating each other up and she tried to split us up and suddenly she flew through the forest like a track had hitted her! "

"We'll talk about you getting caught in a fight with our leader later but first we need to figure out what exactly happened to Evelin. "Steven sighed.

Now everything came back to her. Beck and Jason were fighting. When she touched the furious Jason to calm him down and relax his soul, a monster appeared deep inside him and shoved her out, sending her right at a bolder.

Her window opened on it's own sending an air wave through the room. It startled everyone and Beck struggled to close it but couldn't.

"Evelin. .."A cold whisper traveled in the air."Evelin. ..come to me. I'll be waiting for you the borders that separate the organization and the forest. ...Come to meee..."

The chilling voice disappeared and Beck managed to almost close the window before it got yanked by another burst of air.

"Don't go Evelin.'s a trap!" Aura's voice echoed in the room warming her up."Come to me. I'll wait for you in the heart of the forest were we trained."

The sweet voice died and this time with Steven's help, Beck managed to close and lock the window. None of them seemed to have noticed any weird sound and soon Evelin came to the conclusion they hadn't heard anything! She tried to sit up slowly but a sharp pain in her back made her yelp and six eyes focused on her.

"Oh Evelin my love, thank God you're okay! "Her mother carefully hugged her and Steven and Beck sat at the bed next to her.

"How are you feeling? "Steven asked concerned.

"I'm fine dad, don't worry, really. "

"You're sure? "Beck touched her hand but she retrieved it quickly,  ignoring him."If your back hurts tell us. Mrs Alicia checked on you and said if you weren't feeling good or your bruise ached she could come visit you."

"Which part of 'I'm fine' don't you get? "She gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes at him. "Where is Wolf? "

The three of them looked at each other and hesitated to answer.

"Well? Where is he? I need to see him, to talk to him." She sensed something was wrong...very, very wrong.

"I'm sorry baby,  you can't. He... he said he didn't want to see you or talk to you ever again. He doesn't want any contact at all. He actually.... ord....ordered you to... stay away from him." Her father said cautiously with a hint of sadness in his crystal eyes.

"What?! You are lying. He wouldn't. ..." Evelin blinked her eyes shocked.

He ordered me to stay away? He'd go that far to get me out of his life? He doesn't even wanna see me again? Why? What did I do to him?

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