part 16 -stupidity

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When Evelin entered the little house she noticed the woman she saw earlier that day with Beck. She was taking care of her sleeping bag when she noticed her . She immediately stopped what she was doing and came towards  Evelin with her beautiful tortoise green eyes sparkling and with no sigh she grabbed Evelin into a tight hug. Evelin was completely taken aback by the stranger's action. The smell of her long brown hair came to her nose. She smelled like... coconut!

"Hello Evelin! "The woman said lively.  "I am Jasmine... I'm so happy to meet you!"

After a minute of silence she added: "You are just like your father! "Jasmine grinned. She must have been at the same age as her parents.

"Umm... thanks..." Evelin felt shy all of a sudden.

"You don't have to be shy! Come on, I got you a sleeping bag as I thought you wouldn't have one with you....?"

"No I don't.  Thanks! " she regained her composure and smiled at Jasmine.

"So, you'll be sleeping in the middle" she pointed at the sleeping bags that were laid on the floor.

"Yeah... no problem. "

A wave of dizziness camr at her unexpected and made her stagger.

"Hey... you okay? "Beck asked worried as he supported her.

"Yes I'm fine. I just think I should take a nap."

"That exactly what you have to do." Jasmine helped her lay back " we better leave for a while. "She grabbed Beck's arm and dragged him out before complaining.

What was that feeling?

She'd felt it before when she had the vision about her mother.

Could it be another vision again?  And because she's not asleep it's making her feel dizzy...?

She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on forming a vision.
Come on, come on..... she whispered at herself.

And then she felt it. The feeling of being swallowed into a vision.


The next thing she remembered is her mother's worried eyes on her. Well... not exactly on her... more like her future self.  Rebecka was covered in blood -not her's- and looked at Evelin waiting for an answer.

"Run to the door and I'll distract them. Don't look back mum."

"No! There is no way I'll leave you here all alone. "

"You don't have enough energy to fight back using spells. You are an easy target and as I'll be trying to protect you I will end up being hurt!" She remembered her mistake with Jason.

Her mother's eyes flicked as she imagined her daughter harmed.

"Evelin plea-"

"No mum. Go. You need to leave now! Go through the forest once you reach a clearing about five kilometers away, keep moving straight till you reach the organization's camp."

"You have to understand I can't just leave you! I can't.  I'm your mother.  I'm supposed to protect you. Not the opposite!" Tears were filling her eyes.

"Mum. Go. Now! That will be the right way to protect me. I'm not a baby. I'm stronger than you think. .."Rebecka touched her daughter's cheak.

They remained still for a minute until Evelin shook her mother.  She one the other hand hugged her daughter and left.

Rebecka was now safe! My mum is safe! She thought happily as she run on the hall trying to distract the guards.

"Hey jerks! "She yelled at two guards "over here! You can't even catch a small girl?  How lame! " after making sure the were after her she run on the opposite direction of her mother.

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