part 19 -I love you but...

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Evelin felt a warmth spreading in her entire body and she faintly smiled. She remembered the most wonderful dream she had about Jason. He was alive and he had saved her. But then all the previous days' events streaked her. Her freeing her mum, that guard torturing her for more than two days, her almost drowning and... HOLLY COW! Jason was alive!

She opened her eyes immediately and sat straight where she was laying trying to decipher her surroundings. Green was everywhere and she came to the conclusion of being in the forest. As she moved her ribs ached and she bite her lip to hold the pain. Where were she? Was Jason really alive....? If yes.... where was he now?

Suddenly with the corner of her eye she spotted a figure in black, hiding behind a tree, staring at her. The whole image would have been frightening but... she didn't felt threatened. Instead she felt peaceful, like.... she'd reached home for the first time after years. She slowly stood up, taking into consideration both her wounds and not to frighten the person and leave.

With slow and unsteady steps she got closer to him. In the entire road she staggered a couple of times and he seemed to be fighting the urge to run to her and help her.
They were now a few inches separate. Evelin moved her hand near him, trying to reach his black hood and see his face. He took a step back but didn't leave. Evelin was holding her breath and her heart skipped like a maniac. She once again covered the distance between them locking her eyes where she thought his would be, begging him not to move as she extended her arm and finally touched his hood.
She felt his entire body shaking from impatience. Evelin took a deep breath and removed his hood.

Immediately tears fell like rivers from her eyes. She took a step back and closed her mouth with both hands to keep herself from screamimg. His light blue eyes emitted worry but he didn't know what to do. His pitch black hair blending with the hood. A scar marking his left eyebrow without ruining his beautiful face...
Jason was standing in front of her in one piece with his shinning eyes examining her like he wanted to keep her sight as a treasure but. ... he didn't make any move to get near her.
After calming herself she looked at him as if he was someone else. Many wizards had the ability to change their forms according to their will... maybe he was one of them. Maybe he worked for the government and wanted to take her back to continue the party.
"Jason...." she whispered but he didn't answer. He was lost in his thoughts. ..
"Jason! "
He gasped, focusing his stare at her.

Why is he looking me so melancholic?

"Evelin I-" his voice broke and he seemed unable to continue. Jason attempted to take a step closer to her but stopped at the last second.

" that really you? How... how is it even possible!?" She was crying in silence this time. Her head felt like it would explode.

"Yes. It's me." He managed to say.

"How can I be sure...?"

"Ask me something. Something only I'll be able to know." He whispered.
It took a minute to think but she came up with the perfect question.

"Tell me....when did you first kiss me? "
A faint smile appeared on his face and he bite his lip.
"With you knowing? "

"What do you mean? "

"Well. .. the first time I kissed you was when we were staying at that motel... next to sea after the spring carnival. I was watching you sleep and couldn't help it. I stole a kiss."
He smirked.

"Pervert!" She blushed

"The first time I kissed you -with your knowledge-... we were on Venice. Hiding under a bridge from those panks. Remember? I
I had insulted their graffiti on that bar wall and they started chasing us..." his voice became slower till he stopped talking. His eyes saddened again.

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