part 8- the reunion

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"My daughter? Woah! I think you are confused. The lack of oxygen must have caused you a concussion or something. It is not possible, if you know what I mean.... I am loyal to my wife and she was captured-"

"Seventeen years ago. I know. Right after Rebecka gave birth to me she gave me to Maison because she knew she would get captured soon and didn't wanna hurt me. You weren't there. Those bastards had already captured you and she was all alone."

"So you are telling me... all this time I have a daughter? Why? Why didn't Maison told anything to me? WHY!?" He had stood up pacing between a dozen of tulips holding his head with his hards trying to calm himself.

Evelin's emotions started to take over. She looked at her father's back and a tear slipt her eye before constricting herself.

She didn't like crying. She couldn't solve her problems that way. Staying strong and unreachable was the only way she knew to stay alive in this madness.

"Maison told me my mum named me Evelin because it meant a lot to her." She said after a couple of minutes in silence.

"Yeah . It meant a lot for both of us." Steven turned around staring at the girl. Of course! It was his daughter. Her black hair and blue eyes.... she 'd taken them from him! And her lips.... Rebecka's lips...

"Evelin,I believe you 're telling me the truth and for that reason you are in danger. If my enemies learn about you, they will hurt you to get me."he touched her hair, moving his forhead close to hers touching each other's. "So noone must learn about our relationship. Okay? I will take you to the shelter where it will be safer for you but you must know how to protect yourself so we'll also start training together. Would you like that?"

"Yeah..." it was the only thing she was able to say without siding tears.

"Let's go. "Steven caught her hand and lifted her up the ground as he began walking.

Evelin stopped.

"Dad...... wait."

Steven froze and turned to face her. Dad... he would get used to it pretty fast.

She then fell on his arms hugging him tight. Steven stood frozen for a while but in the end he returned the hug. They stayed like that for a while. Hugging each other. Not crying. Just hugging...

After they releashed each other they began walking to reach the hideout.

Steven finally sighed.

"You are my daughter but I know nothing about you."

"I could say the same thing about my father- you."

"How about we play a little game till we reach the shelter?" He suggested.

"I 'd like that. What kind of game?" Evelin smiled.

"We 'll take turns, asking each other one question at a time. You start."

"I can ask anything?"

"Yeap, anything."

"Hmmm" she thought about it for a second " how did you and mum met each other?" She always wanted to know how her parents first met.

"Well," Steven started akwardly " we were both fighting the goverment since we were really young, before the organisation was funded, we had a mission together, I saved her life after she saved mine. And one thing led to an other. Boum we fell in love and we decided to get married... "

"Wow, well... I guess that story does suit you. I mean you guys created the organisation. It 's your turn now."

"Well... what is your favourite type of music and colour?"

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