Part 6 -the water spirit

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Evelin felt falling. Falling hard.

She could remember something pulling her leg. Cold and wet. Like her surrounding. Then she caught a glimpse of her memories. She was flying with Aura. Then... she tried hard to remember... A forest and a lake... No, not just a lake. The Great Lake!
Oh no!!! She remembered everything that had happened earlier. Am I dead? Did I drawn? She could feel numb. And a great coldness was speading near her. No . No I'm not dead. The dead can't sense cold. But if Im not dead, then .... I must be dreaming so I just have to wake up, but... how do I do it?

Suddenly as to give emphases to her thoughts, a faint light appeared far away giving shape to a man's back figure. She started walking towards him feeling strange. As if she 'd known him for a long time. But when she got close enough to him, she noticed the beatiful black hair she loved long enough to reach the boy's ears and of course those pure and magestic eyes of his that she often got lost in them. It was him. It was Jason. In her dream. His sight reminded her things she'd rather forget.

Evelin had tried to denie his death. Tried to convince herself he no longer wanted her in his life she he 'd left her and that he was alive and happy in an other place. Somewhere far away from her. Their resemblance often made people think of them as siblings. Same blue eyes. Same black hair. But they were wrong. Evelin's eyes were bluer and deeper than his with light blue crystals in them while Jason has the lightest blue eyes she'd ever seen. Jason's black her were pitch black like a night without a moon and Evelin's hair were black but at the sun their colour seemed lighter. Something between black and brown. He was really tall. More than 1.80 and he could totally tower Evelin whose hight was 1.70 . They were nothing alike... Jason had guts and was fearless and Evelin... Evelin left him die...

"Evelin." He looked at her.

"Jason... how can it be? You.. you're dead." She looked at him full of questions.

"Yeah... i'm dead. Because of you. I died protecting you... That was the biggest foolishness in my life. My short life Evelin.... You killed me!"

His eyes turned black. His face red from anger.

"Jason... I 'm sorry I-I didn't want you to die!" Tears dripping down her eyes. This is a dream. This is just a dream. I have to wake up. Please Evelin wake up!

"You know what the worst thing is? You didn't really mean much to me!" Jason grabbed her arms hard as he talked

"Let me go please. You are hurting me! I'm sorry I love you Jason. I love you with all my heart!!!!" She whispered between her sobs . She fell to the ground kneeling and crying from pain.

Jason had disappeared.

"JASON!!!!!" Evelin screamed.....

And woke up.

She was laying in some strange matress out of leafs and flowers but no one was near her. She sat up near a little pond that must have been connected with The Great Lake and cleared the tears of her face.

"It was about time for you to wake up. You've been sleeping for hours. The sun set." An enchanting voice was dancing to the air but no figure came with it.

"Who-who's there? "She wasn't sure if the voice came from a friendly person or a foe. She scanned some spells she could use. Some for defence and some for attack.

At that moment something started coming out of the pond unshaped made out of water.

Then it started to take form. A body. Arms and legs. Then a head and hair....

It was a beautiful woman. Her beauty reminded her of Aura's beauty.

Her hair were light blue. Long and strong and her face.... it was even prettier than Aura's with blue eyes. Long eyelashes. Her cheaks were marked by weird scars but did not stain her beauty. There was no dought she was a spirit as her beauty was imposible to belong to a human. There was a veil of mist covering her body prettily like a flower.

"Hello..." The spirit said with a sweet voice.

"Hi,....who are you?" Evelin demanded.

"I will tell you who I am my pretty girl only if you tell me where you found the talisman you are wearing on your neck."

Evelin straightened her chin. She might have been a bit scared of the spirit on front of her but she was no fool.

"I'll tell you. Once you tell me who you are and what are your intentions."

The spirit looked Evelin in her eyes. Observing her.

"Fair enough " she said "but then you are going to tell these things to me as well. Deal?"

"Deal!" Evelin agreed.

"As you wish. My name is Limn. I am The Water Spirit that lives in the Great Lake. I am against the goverments plans so I 'm protecting the organization' hideout." She said looking warely at Evelin, scanning her reactions. "It's your turn now ." She reminded.

"I am Evelin Heartlock. "Evelin decided telling the truth would do more good than lying would. "The Wind Spirit Aura gave me this talisman before she brought me here, she said it 'd protect me."

"It did my dear Evelin. If I had not seen the talisman I would have killed you."

"Lucky me, huh?"

"You were lucky, belive me. Now... what is your purpose here?"

"I am looking for the thing you 're protecting. The organisation."

"Why? You don't look old enough to take part in it."

"No, but I am searching for someone that does."

"And who would that be?"

"I am looking for a man named Steven."

"Steven... what?"

"I-I don't know his lastname" the thought had just come in her mind. How would she find someone she did not know his name?!

"Hm. May I learn the reason you 're looking for him?"

"I am sorry. It's... something personal."

"Okay... well, I 'll take you there."

Evelin was left speechless. Limn had believed her. Eventhought she knew nothing about her.

"Why? Why are you believing me?"

"First of all you are carring my friends talisman. And believe me I trust Aura. And second, you seem like a pretty good kid. I have a keen eye and I know how a fraud in a second."

"Thank you Linm." A little smile was in her lips .

"The pleasure is all mine Evelin. I haven't been out of the lake for a while. A walk will be a pretty good for me." Limn seemed amused at the idea. "Let's go. The way is over there " crystals came out of the water and covered her body, creating an amazing dress .

Limn was walking infront of Evelin leading the way. Evelin was a pretty good hiker and enjoyed walking in nature.

They must have been walking for half an hour when Limn suddenly stopped infront of a cave.

"This is it."she said" this si the hideout's entrance. Go inside the cave and when you reach it's end cast a revealation spell and a way will appear."

"Thank you Limn"

"You are very welcome my dear Evelin. Farwell." The spirit then took the way they used to go back in the lake.

'Here I go."Evelin whispered and enter the cave. The path wasn't completely formed and moving on wasn't a piece of cake. She fell many times and as a resolt scratches were spreading in her elbows and knees and a little blood wad coming off of a scratch in her forehead. She didn't mind. She wad used to getting hurt as ahe was prone to injures and accidents. She got lost a couple of times but finally she found the cave's end. She touched the cold walls and whispered the spell. At first nothing happend but then the wall started shaking till it cracked and it slowly made a passage just enough for her figure to fit. Once she got put of the path the wall behind her closed and she was infront of a magestic feld full of flowers. She was so absorved in them that she did not notice the two men getting close to her in time. She tried to fight them back but physicaly they were stronger than her and they tied her up brfore she could cast spells.

She started kicking hard were ever she could. She must have hitted bingo cause she heard on of the men swearing. A bunch of words were heard. Evelin recognised them as a sleeping spell a little before her eyes closed...

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