part 18- What. On. Earth....!

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Evelin knew he was at a sensitive point and shouldn't push her luck too far but she did. She didn't care anymore. Life and death were the same... or maybe death was more preferable as he wouldn't beat her there too.

"Tell me were it is!" He yelled again. His eyes wide opened. From anger.

"No." She answered relaxed. Staring at his coal like creepy eyes knowing he was facing a dead end finding their hideout.

"TELL ME WHERE THE GATE IS.NOW!!! OR ELSE..."He warned as his voice became a whisper.

"I won't tell you! "

"It's your last chance..."

"You better kill me cause there is no way I'll tell you!" A victorious smile took it's place in her lips.

He got so angry he started beating her again but she didn't care. She had gotten used to the pain and knew death wasn't afar...

He suddenly froze. Her talisman got his interest. The silver-like fairy was like she had a light of her own in the small little cell. She was a magnificent sight to see.

"Where did you get that?!"he barked.

Like hell she'd give him an answer.

"I said: Where. Did.You. Get. THAT!?!?"he slapped her again.

"It's a gift. "Evelin whispered.

"This is one of the stronger spirits' talisman. With that we can fool the water spirit and pass her.Ha!" The bastard smiled and pulled the necklace off her neck. The chain made her skin bleed where it was pulled out by force but she didn't care.

"No! Don't get it off me!!!" She yelled remembering Aura's words:
I know you suffer by uncontrolled releases of energy. If you don't learn to tame your powers as you grow stronger they 'll too became stronger and you'll end up hurting others as well as yourself. This necklase will stop the power releases but you must never get it off you. Am i clear?

And now that jerk had taken it off her by force! She couldn't afford to stay without a "lice". What if her powers harmed her mum and dad? Or Beck and Anabeth? She couldn't risk it....

"Give that back." Anger was threatening to make her explode.

"Or else what? You're going to harm me? Bitch please, you can't even touch me... much more harm me! "He swing the necklace in her face grinning hatefully

And that was it. The drop that made the glass be spilled all over. She felt her blood boil as her energy reached the surface. At first her so familiar purple aura hugged her body warming her up. She hadn't notice how much she'd missed that feeling and that aura..

The chains on her hands and legs melted and she got freed. When her feet touched the ground she felt her legs week, like they couldn't hold her weight.

The scarred man was looking at her all that time with his eyes fixed on her, standing frozen.

"What...How....How did you do that? "

"Give. Me. Back. My. Necklace."her eyes turned purple -a sign that he shouldn't oppose her.

He was looking at her with awe. He'd never seen someone with such raw power.

"If only you knew how much I hate you. How much you ruined my life.... you wouldn't be so stupid as to keep me alive." Evelin continued.

She got near him and grabbed the talisman. She didn't wore it. No, not yet. First she wanted him to feel her wreath. No more the good girl. She was sick of people telling her what to do, treating her like a baby, beating her up whenever they pleased. Enough! No more!

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