part 12- hallucinations

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"Please! Can we take a break?!" Evelin begged Steven.

They had been running in the forest for more than an hour. "Light" exercise as he 'd said. Thankfully she hadn't eaten much or else she would have thrown up by now. Generally Evelin was excelent at sports, she found them as a way of expelling her aggresiveness. But she had limits in contrast to Steven that kept on going without even losing his breath.

"What? Already? But we just started running."

"We 've been running for an hour! How is that a" we just started"? And how is it possible your not even a little bit tired?" She asked while running next to him.

"I always liked running and I run almost every day for at least two hours."

"Come on a break won't harm us!"

"It 's September so it's cold, the sun hasn't risen yet and you are sweaty. Right now running is the only thing keeping you warm, if you stop you 'll get a cold for sure."

"All I asked was a break... not a lecture on biology."

"Are you always whiny in the morning?"

"Only between 01:00-08:00. So that gives you about an hour and a quarter of nagging." She pointed

"Awesome." He laughed.

"So what are we going to do later?" She had began to feel awake and liked that fact she was exercising as she was on bed for a week.

And then it came.

A wave of dizziness and she feel on her knees grabbing her head due to the pain she felt. It was like someone was hitting her head with a hammer and tears of pain appeared on her cheaks.

A loud, blood-chilling scream reached her ears and understood it was her that was screaming.

Steven reached her and placed her in his arms. She could faintly hear the healing spells that he was casting but then silense. She opened her eyes, searching for him but he wasn't the one infront. The pain had disappeaed ad quick as it had come.

She saw a figure hanging with chains from the ceiling. It reminded her of her vision where she was being tortured hanging like that too.

When see got used to the darkness she noticed more figures in the room around the one with the chains. It was a woman. Her blonde hair falling long in her shoulders but seemed like they had been caught in a hurry.

The people around the female figure ask her something that made the woman laugh.

"Are you laughing at us?! How dare you bitch! We should have killed you years ago but we thought you were usefull. Since you won't give us any intel about the organisation we no longer need you. You will be executed in four days after the leader is back."

One of the men said.

The woman looked at them between her hair that were full of blood like the clothes she was wearing. Her long eyelashes moved as she opened her eyes and beautiful green captivating eyes were revealed. She felt warmth being emmited by those eyes that hugged her existence. The woman's lips seemed so familiar her heart beated faster.

"Kiss my ass." The blonde woman replayed.

One of the women in the audience stepped closer to her and slapped her hard.

Evelin felt dizzy again and that terrible pain like her scull was about to open it two returned when she opened her eyes to see a freaked out Steven trying to heal her.

"Hey there! You okay?" He asked and tried to lift her from the ground.

"Let me down. I 'm dizzy." She whispered.

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