Part 9 -the nightmare

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She was standing in the middle of a forest all alone, when she felt someone's presence lurking in the dark, watching her from the shadows, waiting to make a move.

Evelin panicked. She started running and running as fast as she could, trying to get as far away from there as she could .

She tripped as she did pretty often.

She saw a tall figure in front of her. A man probably due to his body . He was standing some meters away with the sun behind him. It was Maison. He was after her.

She stood up and kept running, before he could get a hold of her.

She run fast.

Her persecutor's steps could be heard a few yards behind her.

She looked back to see him.

She didn't have the time to see the cliff in front of her in time.

She felt falling. The air invading her lungs cut her breath and made her unable to breath. And then it came. The landing.

She fell hard on the surface of a river. The collision was so hard that some of her ribs on her left side broke from the ten meter fall.

She sunk, deep inside the water, letting it take care of her scratches. The water came as a relieve at first. Pure and clean. Then she felt it's pressure, driving her in it 's bottom. The light started to disappear and darkness took over.

Then, a new sense came at her. Something soft was touching her,trying to grab her. It reached her waist and pulled her near the surface.

It was Jason again. Just like her past dream , he was a part of the present dream. But there was something different this time. He seemed worried about her, leaning over her and hugging her, trying to get her warm. He wasn't aggresive towards her, he cared about her.

"Evelin! You alright?"

"Yeah... "she said with a soar throat " I 'm okay. How.... how can you be here?"

"I will always be with you. Always. No matter what. And you will always be with me. My love. "

"Jason... I miss you so much." Tears were running from her eyes.

"Hey! Don't be sad my love. Please don't be sad. I don't want to see you crying." He cleaned the tears with his back of him palm.

Evelin hugged him and both of them got locked in a big hug till Evelin felt a sharp pain in her back. Jason placed his arm of her back but once he took it off blood was in his hands. Deep scarlet blood was reflected in his shining eyes as terror painted his face.

She felt her body heavy. Jason hold her in his arms as she passed out screaming her name.

The next thing she remembered were her silent tears running down her eyes as she was looking at the ceiling lying down. Jason's view was still hunting her and so were the guilt. It was her fault he died. If only she hadn't let her guard down, and his shield was active.... he would be alive now. Lying down besides her, giving her hugs and kisses.

The clock next to her started ringing, bringing her back to reality. She was supppsed to meet Steven in an hour so she had time for a bath.

She went inside the shower, washing all the dirt and all her bad feelings away.

As she looked at her closed she noticed some set of clothes for man and some for women. Apparenty the didn't have time to check who lives in which room so the filled the closet with clothes fot both men and women.

She picked some loose dark grey coloured jogging trousers and a black V T-shirt, put her sneakers on and went to find Steven.

She went down through the alevator and went into the library where was their meeting point. Wherever she went through people were staring at her. Trying to guess what she was doing there. Would she be a powerful ally or just a burden they would have to protect?

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