I hate that stupid jerk! Chapter 20

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Authors Note;

Been a long time guys!

Here's a short chapter since I haven't written this one in a while.

I'm going to finish up this book in the next few chapters because I feel like it's been dragging on for ages.

Thanks to everyone who's stuck by me and voted, love you all


Chapter 20

I woke up to 23 missed calls and messages.

Yeah that's right.


And who do you think they are all from?

Come on one guess.

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!


I mean come on! Who else has bad stalker tendencies?

Lucas; Liv, it's me Lucas. Sorry for the way I acted tonight, call me back.

Lucas; Hey Liv it's me again. Lucas. Call me when you get this.

Lucas; Are you ignoring me?

And my personal favourite;

Lucas; well FUCK YOU TOO!!!

Charming little chap isn't he?

Well two can play at this game. But instead of yelling I'll just ignore.

I quickly change into baggy sweats and an old stained white t-shirt, grab 'the fault in our stars' and head downstairs to the lounge. Yes, the couch will be my best friend today.

About 20 minutes into the movie I realise this is a bad idea. I'm watching a movie where the characters are terminally ill with cancer. And they're in love.

Am I actually that retarded?

Not that I love Lucas the way that Hazel and Augustus love each other. Not that I love Lucas at all. Hell, even like is pushing it a bit too far today. But I don't hate him and his stupid beef-head, not that I like admitting it.

But maybe I understand why he was so moody. Maybe he just doesn't like the way people pity him when he tells them about his illness. Maybe he can't stand people feeling sorry for him.

I know how that feels, I coped the same pity party look when everyone heard about my dad.

Maybe I'm too hard on him.

No. Don't even go there Liv. He is severely bi-polar. You let him take you on a date. It was great, while it lasted. But then his jerk side came back and that's who he really is!

I really wish my brain would shut up.

While mentally arguing with myself-stupid I know-my phone was casually vibrating it's way across the table.

Oh no. Why can't you just go away!?

Picking it up, I look at the caller ID, even though I already knew who it was.

'go away'

'Liv plea-' beep beep beep.

It starts ringing again.

'Go away beef-head! Or this time I really will kill you' I hang up again.

*ring ring*

I press the accept call button, put it on loud speaker and throw it on the couch next to me. If he wants to waste his calls on me then fine, doesn't mean he'll get to talk to me, muahahaha.

'Liv? Olivia? Don't hang up! I'm sorry for last night, I just got angry about what you said. Liv? Are you still ignoring me? Come on I said sorry! What else do you want?!'

'A million dollars' I rolled my eyes.

'Ha ha very funny. Seriously though what do you want? Another date?' I could practically here him smirking through the phone.

'You already blew your first chance, why the hell would I go on another one with you? Are you delusional? Side effect of your illness maybe?'

'So cool, cracking cancer jokes now'

'Go away Lucas, I'm really busy. This geometry homework is not the piece of cake I thought it would be' hmm what colour should I paint my nails? Maybe red? I think they're long enough, I think holding them up in front of my face.

'That's pretty funny 'homework'. English class watching 'the fault in our stars' again?'

'What the fuck?!' I glance around everywhere, but no shock, I can't see him anywhere. I pick up the phone.

'Where the hell are you, you little stalker'

'Now now, don't get so grumpy. I come bearing food'

Ugh can't a girl have a break?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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