(19) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I trudged up to my bedroom feeling moody. What the hell had I done wrong? Suddenly I was angry.

I slammed the door and kicked my shoes off at the wall. No good Lucas getting upset with me just because I felt sorry for him. Well if he doesn't want my sympathy, then no sympathy he gets I thought grumpily.

Grabbing my towel, I head for the bathroom, strip down and turn on the water. Washing my hair, I rethink over everything that happened in the past few hours. Why even tell me something huge like that? What, did he expect me to not react? Expect me to not be shocked?

Are all guys this confusing?

Turning the water off, I pull the towel around me and walk to my closet. Boys are the most infuriating creatures on this planet. Gods joke of hell on Earth. Thinking about Lucas was just making me more angrier by the second.

I pulled on a baggy shirt over my head and threw myself in the bed.

Lucas. Dying.

How did life get so confusing in a matter of hours?

Rolling over, I grab the pillow and hold it to my face screaming as loud as I can.


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