(12) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk!


So my school went back today and I was all wtf today was the worst day! But anyway since I cant think of any songs to write, I decided to write a story. Speaking of songs, if you wanna check out me singing (total lol worthy) then my youtube page is www.youtube.com/mehitsallaboutme

Anyway heres another small chapter. Seriously its small... like really small but it will leave you wanting more right?

Chapter 12

So I was right. When we got to the oval the bell rang and guess who came pacing towards us with a murderous expression? Go on guys I think you knoww..

Yeah. It was satan.

But not the satan whos the janitor. The satan who is the head cheerleader. So I guess its satans whore. Ha yeah satans whore. I chuckled out loud at that one and Lucas looked at me, his expression puzzled. I just shook my head and stopped, waiting for satans whore- thats never going to get old!- to reach us.

"So like I thought you were meeting me at my locker, but then I got there and you were like, no where to be seen" he said squinting her eyes a little and putting her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes and laughed under my breath.

"Well I was with Olivia. Had to take care of a bare situation" he lost it laughing. I punched him in the arm and smirked at Lucy's expression. She was flabbergasted.

"Well like you could have told me"

"Well like I didnt know where you were" Lucas imitated her. That made me laugh.

"Fine, I have other boys waiting for me" she flipped her hair and walked off.

"Seeya whore" I saluted her.

I headed back to the main building but Lucas caught my arm.

"Ahh yeah?" I asked.

"Go on a date with me" wow he doesnt wait does he?

"No way"

"Then lets make a little compromise" he suggested.

"Okay. Start talking"

"If you go on a date with me and it doesnt work out, then I'll leave you alone" seriously?

"No strings attached?"

"No strings attached" he agreed.

"Then its a deal" I said.

******** Ahhhhhhz!!!! I'll make a compromise now guys.... If you.. I dunno, check out my vids and comment and vote on them then I'll upload a big big chapter next time. Deal?


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