(17) i hate that stupid jerk!

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Authors note:

yah i know im in big trouble. havent written a new chapter since Feb? ooh shiz buckets :s

im sorry yada yada yada...

here's a new chapter.

loveyou all <3



"It all started when I was about 13", he whispered grabbing my hand tightly, " I, well I got sick. Serious sick I guess. I was in and out of the hospital at least three times a week. The doctors completing test after test on me trying to figure out what was wrong with me. Before I got sick I was such a healthy happy little punk, playing sport every weekend and all that, but then I just, stopped"

His head was hung low with his hair falling across his face, his expression covered. I squeezed his hand gently and he looked over to me. His eyes were guarded as if he was baring his soul. Hell he probably was.

I nodded slowly and he took another deep breath.

"After about four months of on-going tests they found out what was wrong with me. I had Leukaemia"

"oh my god" the air felt like it had suddenly escaped from my lungs somehow. Like I was drowning.

"you dont have to tell me anymore Lucas" I whispered.

He ignored me. "You know what Leukaemia is right?", I nodded, " yeah well it isn't nice for the person who has it" he chuckled but I could tell it wasn't in humour. He grabbed at his hair roughly with his free hand and pushed it back off his face as he looked towards the stars.

" I had acute lymphocytic leukaemia. It sucked so bad. They put me permanently in the children's hospital ward like I was on lock down. No more sports. No more school. No more friends. I was all alone just fighting this ilness. Sure my parents came to see me but that was rare. Seeing them was always rare.

" I went through so many sessions of chemotherapy. I didn't get the tablets that the other kids got. I got needles. They injected it into me at least twice a day. Can you imagine having two needles a day for like seven months? It's horrible. I know the doctors were just trying to make me better but everytime I had those injections I felt sicker. I threw up and screamed in agony as if my skin was burning. The doctors thought I was having an alergic reaction to the chemicals. Personally I just thought I was going mad.

"I was getting better though, stronger. I could get up and walk around more. They took it as a good sign and a few days after that I was put into remission. I walked out of that hospital a free 14 year old. I felt like I could do anything now that I had beaten the Leukaemia. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for weeks. It was like heaven on Earth for me" a ghost of a smile appeared on his face as if he were reliving that horrible time. The smile faded away and he sqeezed my hand til I thought it was going to break off in his grip.

"A few weeks ago I went back for my monthly check up. I just thought it was a way to waste my time. Every check up I'd been to I had passed with flying colours. But this time the test results came back bad." he stopped talking and dropped my hand, looking out over the water.

"So what? It's.. back?"

"I guess you could say that"

"And it's worse?"

"Way worse" he shuddered and turned to stare directly into my eyes.

"Liv, they've only given me 6 months to live"

I gasped out loud.

Next second all there was, was black.


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