(13) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that Stupid Jerk!

So I havent uploaded this story in nearly a month! OOooooohhh thats bad right?

Yeah I feel hell bad for that.

Well I'll give you the run down of my life as to why I havent uploaded.. You know in case one of you lovely readers wants to charge me for not writing until now.

Okay so I had my ball.. American readers that is prom.

Had heaps of homework but I not doing that!

Had boy drama :/

Had friend drama :/ :/

Had family drama :/ :/ :/

And then I wanted to hang out with people instead of being on the computer all day... Sue me. Actually please dont :D

Well enough of my babbling on. Today is a Sunday in Australia so Im going to upload a new chapter to all my stories. Am I awesome or what?!

Right now Im really going to shut up..

Enjoy reading guys and gals :P

Chapter 13

We shook hands and figured out the small details for the evening.

"Okay so we'll go to the movies-" I cut him off.

"Cant be more original?"

"I was being stupid Liv, of course I have something much more fulfilling than that!" he scoffed.

"Like?" I asked.

"it's a surprise, duh" he rolled his eyes.

"I HATE surprises" I muttered crossing my arms and looking away.

"Fine. I'll give you one clue since your all pouty"

"Ummm okay?"

"You wont be disappointed"

"That's not a clue! That's ones definition!" I yelled.

"Chill. Okay the clue is this. There's water, air, food, movie, boat, fireworks, dancing and a ride home. Not in that order of course" he winked.

"That's a lot of stuff"

"Well I'm nothing if not thorough"

"Well that's awesome" I muttered sarcastically.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 7. Make sure you wear something nice" he said walking away backwards.

"Who's definition of nice" I called back.

"Mine. As in a dress and heels!" he smirked and turned around, running to his car.

"Heels? Really? You said boat Lucas, heels and boat do not go together" I yelled running after him.

"Chill Liv, its all under control" he ducked into his car but I grabbed the door frame.

"Under control? I'm usually not one to worry but what happens if I slip on the deck and 'BAM!', I knock myself out? Or even worse. What happens if I fall over board in my nice heels and dress and get eaten by sharks? Huh? Tell me the answer to that!"

"Then I'll just carry you everywhere" he sighed plugging in his seatbelt.

"Well what about the fireworks then? Are those illegal? I mean will we get pulled over by the sea police?" he laughed at that one.

"Fireworks are completely, 100% legal AND safe"

"What happens if the movie is scary, like too scary and I have a heart attack?"

I hate that stupid jerk!Where stories live. Discover now