(15) I hate that stupid jerk!- part 1

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I hate that stupid jerk!


So im not going to ramble on as usual. I think I have let you guys wait long enough for this chapter. Sorry btw =)

xx Bec

Chapter 15- part 1

Lucas took my hand and led me further down the beach to where a picnic was set up. I gasped and he turned back and smiled at me.

"Damn boy your going to give me a heart attack"

"From my freakishly good looks?"

"Now theres the Lucas I know. Knew you were in there somewhere!"

"Oh ha ha Liv"

"But seriously Lucas.... Wow. This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me" I sank down onto the blanket and put my legs under me. Lucas sat cross-legged across from me and opened up a wooden picnic basket. It was filled with sandwiches, cakes, salad and more. Woo food!

"I didnt have enough time to make anything French or Italian, but I got sandwiches. Want one?"

"Sure. I mean after that little stunt with the car im actually pretty hungry" I laughed, taking the sandwich from his hands.

"Yeah sorry about that again. I swear I didnt know that you would get hit by any flying objects"

"And the surprises keep coming. Since when do you apologise?!"

"Well I only have one date with you so Im trying my hardest" he whispered, looking out towards the water.

"Lets make it a memorable one then"

"Im trying" he laughed.

"Oh I can see that" I laughed with him.

We ate the food and finished it off with glasses of sparkling water. It was so sweet.

"Okay lets go!" Lucas yelled jumping up. He leant down and grabbed my hands hauling me up to my feet as well.

"Now where are we going?" I groaned.

"I specificly remember mentioning fireworks and a boat" he winked.

"I thought you were kidding about that!" I yelled as he pulled me back up the path and towards a little pretty white boat.

"I dont joke about anything...much"

"Right. Do you even know how to operate a boat?" I asked as he pushed me into a chair on the deck.

"My dad loves boats. Taught me everything he knows"

"Okay. So if we crash and the boat goes down like the Titanic, your going to be used as a floatie" I smirked.

"Wow. Didnt know you wanted to sit on me that bad babe" he smirked back.

"Okay one, eeew! And two, did you just call me babe?!"

"Sure did" he winked.

"Ugh just steer the boat. I want to see the fireworks"


Yeah yeah I know I'm mean but hey, this chapter might get a little long =)

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