(2) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk!


Sooooo, I got a comment on the first part of this story and it said something along the lines of I am copying off Adorkable or something. Listen people, Adorkable is such a good writer and I would never, and I repeat NEVER copy off her. I have a story called gifted which she comments on people!! Why would I steal from her!?!? Anywhooo, apart from that comment, thank-you to everyone who voted and commented, its greatly appreciated :D

Chapter 2

It was now lunch and I was sitting by myself in front of my locker, because I think cafeteria's are just a place to catergorise people. There's always the table for the populars, the nerds, the band-geeks, the emo's, the wannabe's, lets just face it people, the list is endless. I plugged in my i-pod and was listening to Ignorance by Paramore, when a shadow came over me. I looked up into the face of a smiling girl. She had red hair that was in a pixie cut, blue eyes and red freckles sprinkled across her nose.

"Ummm hi?" I stood up and turned my i-pod off.

"Hello. I'm annabella, want to be friends?" She reminded me of Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter in a really strange way. They looked nothing alike, yet their personalities were nearly identical. Weird right?

"Is this a joke?"


"Well in that case. Why not?" We were just standing there arkwardly, neither of us saying anything. Annabella was just smiling at her surroundings.

"I'm Olivia by the way" I stuck my hand out and she shook it.

"Nice to meet you"

The bell signaled for last period and I walked to my last class, english. Anna (her nickname) had it too so I sat with her after introducing myself to the teacher. We were writing an essay on poetic influence and I had to do it as well. How the heck would I know what to write about? It's only my first day! I tried to tell this to the old bat of a teacher but as far as she was concerned, everyone knew about poems so what was the problem? This teacher really needed a brain.

I just sat there and talked to Anna the whole lesson because I wasn't doing something I didn't understand. We talked about her family and the school as well as where I had come from and why I was here.

The bell rang and everyone started filing out of class, inlcuding me when I remembered I had stupid detention to attend. I looked down the hall to the detention room and shrugged my shoulders, turning in the oposite direction. I walked out the front doors of the school and was practically dragged behind the building by a strong arm. I took a wild guess at who it was and started screaming.

"LUCAS! LET ME GO!" I was shoved against the wall back first and his hand covered my mouth. I glared up into his face.

"Chill! I'm not trying to rape you or anything" he said letting go of my mouth.

"Then what the hell are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack?!"

"No. Just wondering why your ditching detention on your first day of school." he casually said.

"It's detention. On my first day. Screw that!"

"Well you should have been looking forward to it. I mean it's obvious that you like me"

I stared at him speechless. I liked him? No freaking way did I like him! Hell would have to freeze over like five million times before I "liked" him!

He chuckled at my shock and continued." It's okay. I have girls wanting me all day everyday. I'm used to it by now."

"Well I dont like you so get it through your thick skull beefhead." I pushed him away and walked to my car but I swore I heard him say "Well you will soon enough".

sooooo comment? please? Or are you all going to make me beg? lol :D

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