(18) I hate that stupid jerk!

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Authors note;

eeeehhh fml?

im glad for everyone who's continued voting, commenting and reading all my stories even though im a pain in the butt and havent been writing much, but as I said in the last two chapter of 'arranged marriage', ive moved across country and we dont have internet, so im struggling to get on at the moment.... holiday in 33 days or less back to my mum soo expect more chapters then.

-much love, bec x

Chapter 18

"Liv?" I felt big hands shaking me.

I felt like saying 'one more minute', but it didnt feel like I was in my bed. I tried to remember what had happened.

"Liv wake up, your freaking me out"


"huh?" I sat up grabbing my head. He smiled in relief. Ah, we're in the car. I shook my head trying to shake the headache.

"what happened?"

"I think you blacked out?" he asked questionly.

Oh right. Smart one Liv.

"Right" I muttered. Pulling my knees up against my chest I started wondering how he'd even gotten me there in the first place.

"how long have i been out superman?"

"superman?" he looked at me puzzled.

"saved my life yada yada yada, now answer...please?" I added.

"boat silly. then carried you to the car?"

"yeah that would make sense..."

He laughed at me as I was running the earlier conversation through my head.

"6 months? Really?" I looked back at him. All traces of the laughter fell off his face.

"Yeah. sorry for dropping all that one you in one go. Ive just never had anyone I trusted enough to tell that to" he looked sad.

"Oh. Its okay. I mean it was full on, believe me I wasnt expecting that, but now im just worried about you. 6 months isnt that long when you think about it" i babbled on being too nervous to stop.

He grabbed my hand between his and rubbed slow circles on my palm. Looking down at our hands, he talked "I havent really thought about it that way. Ive done most of the things ive ever wanted to do, but im so young. Death, I used to think it was for the old, for the incredibly sick. I guess im one of those now"

"No Lucas. Never think of yourself that way. It may seem sad, but everyone has to go at their time"

"So your saying I was born to die in 6 months, because if you are, then thats bullshit Liv. Im supposed to grow old, with grandchilden, hell even great grandchildren" he was getting angry. Shit.

"I didnt mean it like that" I whispered pathetically.

"Oh I know what you mean. Its perfectly clear" he said roughly as he started the car.


The drive home was a quiet one. I tried to start a conversation a few hundred times I swear, but all I got was grunts. Great.

He pulled up at my house and turned to face out his window.

"Im sorry Lucas. About you dieing"

"Sure" Well that was a great line.

I got out of the car slowly and shut the door. As soon as it was shut, he went speeding off down the road.

What the hell had just happened?

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