I hate that stupid jerk! Chapter 9

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I hate that stupid jerk!

So I decided to upload a new chapter guys. Happy?


xx Bec..

Chapter 9

"Cleaning gum for making out in the janitors closet" I yelled once the door was shut.

"Chill, at least its only gum" Lucas said unaffected. He was leaning against the lockers while I was pacing up and down the corridor.

I cant believe I got caught in the janitors closet. I cant believe I got caught in the janitors closet with beef-head Lucas. I CANT believe I got caught in the janitors closet with beef-head Lucas and we were making out. I cant believe I have to clean gum because of it!

"Stupid ass of a janitor" I punched the locker. Damn punching metal objects hurts. Fuck, my hand better not swell otherwise I'll probably punch Lucas next but with my good hand. Actually, I probably might just punch him for the hell of it.

"The janitors probably jealous that he wasn't able to join in"Lucas laughed. I turned around and glared at him.

Seriously? I so did not see the funny side right now!

Boys. Someone needs to write a dictionary or something about them.

"You have a mental problem with your brain. I think you should get it checked out" i said walking up to him and saying it to his face in a serious voice.

"And I think your bi-polar. Maybe you should get that checked out" mother fucker say what?!?

"Oh you did not just go there!" I said.

"Oh yes I did"he laughed. Yeah he shouldnt laugh.

"Im bi-polar?! Hunny your the one who has mental issues in that peanut sized brain of yours! I mean how the fuck do you think its right to go around kissing people or tourturing them until they do? That is pshyco shit dude! And another thing I didnt get around to doing", I slapped him, "that is for the flyer that made its way around the entire population of this gay ass school"

I walked away from the total retard and headed off to the cafeteria where I had to clean gum. Just how I wanted to spend my free period. Yeh everyone else gets to chill on the oval but me and beef-head? Cleaning fudging gum! Gueez this school is screwed.

I pushed open the cafeteria doors and found the principle and janitor both in there. I sat at the furthest table away from them and put my feet up on the table top. Lucas came in a few seconds later and sat across from me. Mother fucker better not touch me.

The principle gave us a stern look and walked out leaving us with old hermit and I just wanted to shoot myself. What have I gotten myself into?!?!



I hate that stupid jerk!Where stories live. Discover now