(7) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk!


Im sooo sorry I havent uploaded sooner! My second week of year 11 has just gone by and there is so much drama, seriously guys are so idiotic! Anyways enough of my drama. Hope everyone has a good Valentines Day even though I dont like it myself, probz coz I dont have a valentine but have a good day :D

Heres the next chapterr :D

-xxo bec


I got the pillow from under my head and started smashing myself in the face with it.

"Stupid idiot! Why did you have to kiss him? WHY!?!? Damn your an idiot!" I yelled at myself.

"Kissed who?" said a voice from the doorway.

My mum was standing in the doorway with a tired smile on her face. Her hair was falling out of its usually neat bun and she looked like she had a really crappy time.

"Hey mum." I smiled.

She walked over and sat down on the end of my bed. I sat up and pulled my knee's to my chest, resting my chin on them and looked at her.

"So. Why were you assaulting yourself with a pillow?" she laughed.

"Oh you know the usual. Some boy broke into the house and I nearly stabbed him with a knife, well more like my little toe. Told him to leave but he ended up watching some TV with me and then he started torturing me by tickling me. The only way he would stop was if I kissed him, and of course I had to unless I wanted to pee myself" I said casually.

"Oh yeah. Totally the usual"

"Mum, I love you and all, but I swear that if you keep trying to be cool and saying totally, I will TOTALLY disown you" I smiled innocently.

"Well aren't you lovely?" she laughed.

"Go get some sleep mum" she nodded and got up, kissed the top of my head and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.

Poor mum, she was dead on her feet!

I layed back down on the pillows and rolled around. I can never get comfy when I'm agitated and it usually ends up with me rolling so much that I hit the floor. With my back. Or my ass. Which ever falls fastest.

I decided to think happy thoughts and try to go to sleep. I rolled on my side and pulled the sheets right up to my chin and thought of puppies and rainbows and hot guys and Lucas and kissing and popcorn- getting off track! Umm, lolly-pops and fairy floss and friends and shopping and Damon Salvatore and Lucas and Oh My Gawd this isn't working!

I reached over to my nightstand and switched on my I-pod dock and Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy started playing softly through the speakers. This song coming on was kinda creepy. Almost Lover? What, was that supposed to mean something? Like a sign? Guee I must be over-tired!

I switched the song to Mozart and laid back down. Mozart you might say? Well I helps me sleep and if you don't like it then you can kiss my ass! I relaxed more into the pillows as Mozart continued and soon I was going to lala land. YAY!

That night when my eyes closed, my brain decided to give me a replay of everything that happened. Except it decided to change it around a bit and add its own ending....................


"Okay okay just give me the remote" I giggled. Wait how come I can see- oh right! It's a dream!

I watched dream me reach for the control in Lucas's hand, smiling all the while at him. Lucas obviously had an evil plan though, he just thinks like that, don't ask me why.

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