(6) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk!


Soo, I tried to make it longer people. Enjoy :D


I ran down the stairs and jumped over the back of the couch, landing on the soft cushions. I dialled Anna's number and listened to the ringing tone.

It went to message bank.

Hi, you've reached Anna.

Sorry I couldn't take your call, but thank-you for calling anyways.

Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


Wow, told you she was kinda like Luna Lovegood.

I checked the clock and it read 12:39am, shit! She was probably asleep.

I didn't bother with leaving a message, I would fill her in tomorrow. I threw the phone to the other end of the couch and picked up the remote. I turned on the TV and watched an episode of Vampire Diaries that I had recorded. Whoa Damon Salvatore was a major hottie.

I paused the show and got up to go to the kitchen. You couldn't watch something that good without snacks. I put a thing of popcorn in the microwave and smiled when the aroma of it filled the kitchen.

When it was done, I put it all into a bowl and got a glass of coke out of the fridge, and balancing everything, made my way back to the couch. I wished I hadn't tried to carry it all at once.

Lucas was sitting on my couch.

In my spot.

With MY remote in his hands.

What the fuck!?!

I marched over and slammed the popcorn and glass on the table sending little popcorn pieces flying. I stood in front of the TV with my hands on my hips and glared down at him. I was always glaring around him.

"Hi, are we watching this?" he asked looking at me.

"What the fuck dude! I told you to go otherwise my FOOT would KISS your balls! Are you idiotic? Okay don't answer that I already know that one! Don't you understand the meaning of unwelcome? Lucas GET. OUT!" I pointed to the door and made walking motions with my fingers, but did he listen? NO!

He just sat there with his arms folded over his chest on my couch, staring at me.

"well? Go................." I motioned towards the door again.


"Lucas you cant say no. This is my house!" I sat down the opposite end of the couch and faced him, he stared calmly back.

"But you want me here"

"When the hell did I say that?" I shouted angrily.

"Well you didn't.... But I just know that you do." he finally came up with.

"Lucas, your grasping at straws. Why are you still here?"

He just sat there staring at me, not saying one word.

It was like we were having a stare-off. Neither of us willing to back down. I was staring to make him tell me, he was staring because he refused to tell me. In my own house. He cant do that!

"Tell me"


Tell me!"


"Lucas god dammit! TELL. ME!" I screamed. Patience isn't really my thing.

"imadeaadealwiththeguysthatIcouldscrewyou?" he finally said. It had all run together and I couldn't understand one word of it.

I hate that stupid jerk!Where stories live. Discover now