(4) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk!

A/N: Next chapter up. Vote, read, comment, enjoy :D


Fuck! The knife just missed my little toe! I bent down and picked it up again, my eyes never leaving his. I felt ready for anything with it in my hand, safe even. I walked over to stand a few meters from him, twirling the knife. I was glaring, my eyes like slits, but he was just smiling as if nothing was wrong with this picture.

"What are you doing in my house?" I spoke first since it was clear he wasn't going to. He ignored what I asked, instead walked over and sat on the bed, MY bed. He patted a place next to him but I shook my head angrily. He shrugged his shoulders and I walked over to stand in front of him again.

"Answer the question!"

"I thought this was my house" he smirked.

"Lucas you complete idiot, I think we can honestly say that this isn't your house. Do you break into your own house?"


"Argh! Your so impossible to talk to!" I put the knife down on my dresser loudly and started pacing.

"You can come sit by me you know" I looked over to Lucas watching me intently.

I laughed once. "No thanks. I prefer to not have an S-T-D."

"Oh baby you know you want me."

"I'm trying to keep my dinner down."

He got off the bed and stood infront of me, putting his hands on my hips. I pushed them away.

"I could have you right now if I wanted. You know you want me Olivia and it's only a matter of time before you crack." he whispered in my ear.

I pulled back and laughed in his face. " Me crack?! Dude your the one breaking into people's house's and trying to get them to sleep with you! Someone belongs in the nut house...." I patted his shoulder, shook my head and walked around him to my door. Should have known it wasn't over.

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back until I hit his chest, winding his arms around me. I tried to pry his big hands off but he was too strong and he started dragging us backwards to the bed. He fell back onto it, pulling me on top of him, and he was smirking like this was actually funny.

I sat up but that was the biggest mistake of my life. Well apart from not stabbing him when I had the chance, but now I was straddling him. I looked down at his face, and he looked excited. Boys are perverts!

I have no idea how it happened but his shirt was on the floor and I wished that my mum was home so I could scream rape and she would come running. Still a virgin and I am about to be raped. Should have known Lucas would be a raper.

I pushed on his chest trying to get myself up but he gripped my wrists, not letting them leave his chest. Only then was I forced to look at where my hands were.

I swear my eyes dropped out of my sockets! His body was hot, and my hands were touching it. Holy cow I felt like a kid locked in a candy store. With great difficulty, I ran my fingers over his hard chest, taking in everything. Lucas sighed in satisfaction and released my hands. He put one hand on the back of my neck and the other in my hair, and pulled my face to his.

HAHAHAHAHHHHHAAAA I know I'm mean. Another cliffhanger? Will she kiss him or not? Comment and vote and you shall find out!


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