(14) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk!


So I asked my best friend which story I should upload on next and she said jerk soo here we are.

I actually still dont know what the date scene should be like. In my head there's a beach but grass, and a picnic but a table. Sooo confusing sometimes.

And since no one really commented about what they wanted the date to be, my little brain has to write it all by itself. Which is alot to ask of it since all that is going through my head is Callum, callum, callum.. but yeah.

Oh well like usual this is just gonna be pure randomness. Hope you guys enjoy it

xx Bec

Chapter 14

A gas station.

I get all dressed up because this is supposed to be one of those romantic- you will never forget- kinda things and he brings me to a gas station. I suppose I will never forget it though. Never ever ever no matter how hard I try.

My future kids will be all " mum where was your first date?" "Was it romantic?" And I will have to crush their poor little spirits by saying it was at a gas station. How romantic is that?

I shook my head out of my stupid little la-la land and glared at Lucas across the hood of the car.

The gas station, Mc'Farnes gas station, was quite possibly in the middle of nowhere. The one road I could see was quiet and went for ages in each direction. The small store was sky blue , the sign a lime green and when the double doors slid open, the sound was so ear-piercing you had to put your hands over your ears until they shut again. The inside wasn't much better. With the temperature making me feel like I was in the desert and food way past its use by date, I would rather be hanging with Lucas. Which is what I was doing.

"How the hell can you blow up your freaking engine?!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

"You look hot when your angry"

"Your gonna look even hotter when I put you in the emergency room"

"So you think Im hot?"

"I meant your temperature no brain"

"Sure ya did" he smirked, going back to looking at the engine. I glanced down at it too and I dont know much about cars, but I dont think smoke is supposed to be coming out of there.

"Maybe I should call my mum..." I trailed off when he glared up at me.

"Coz then we can go on our date!" I faked enthusiasm.

"We WILL go on our date. Soon as I work out where this goes" he pulled out a small black box and my jaw dropped.

"Where in the name of Spongebob Sqarepants did you get that?"

"Spongebob Sqarepants?"

"Dont diss him, he's awesome. Answer my question" I demanded.

"The engine?" he sounded unsure.

"Great. Im stuck in the middle of nowhere with a complete idiot that I agreed to go on a date with. And said guy blows up his car and THINKS he can fix it but NOOO! He takes apart the FREAKING ENGINE!" I ranted.

"Okay crazy lady, take a chill pill" he put up his hands as if I was a rabid animal.

"I'll take a chill pill, when you work out where that goes" I agreed pointing to the box in his hand.

"It goes... there!" he said putting it in a random spot.

"Then why are the wires still sticking up?"

"Its supposed to do that" he said dismissively.

"Well see if the car starts"

"I will"

"Yeah you do that" I nodded. He glared at me and stalked off to the drivers door, got in and turned the keys in the ignition.

And Im jumped back screaming.

The engine made a loud bang when he turned the key and the stupid black box came flying out and hit me in the side of the face. I screamed louder until Lucas got out of the car and came to see what I was screaming about. I felt the side of my head and whoar, felt like I had an egg under my skin.

"You freaking asshole!" I shouted.

"Ohmygod I wish I had a mirror right now!" he said laughing.


"So you could see your face!" he laughed harder.

"Oh your not going to be able to see your face once Im finished with you!" I threatened.

"What you gonna do? Kiss me to death?"

"More like assault you to death"

"Oh baby how I love your hands on me!" he laughed when I punched him in the stomach.

"You can stay here with your stupid car but I'm going!" I yelled.

"Oh dont be like that Liv I was mucking around. I know where the stupid box goes!" he shouted after me. I turned around and got in his face.

"So you made me get this, " I pointed to the egg, " on my head for no reason!?" I shouted.

"I didnt actually know that was going to happen" he defended himself taking a step back. I took a step forward and he was stuck between me and his car.

"Ugh we'll deal with this later. Just fix the stupid car so we can go home!"

"Home? Noo we are going to-. We're going on the date"

"Buddy I have a freaking egg on my head"


"So theres an egg on my head" I said walking to the passenger side.

"I dont care. Your beautiful even with that"

"Right. Just fix the car" I said closing the door.


About half an hour later we pulled up in a parking lot.

Lucas blindfolded me and when I asked why he said 'because I want it to be perfect'. I shrugged and once he put it on, he helped me out of the car and down a wooden path.

When the wooden path ended, Lucas warned me that there would be a whole lot of sand so I kicked off my shoes and padded across the sandy ground until he told me to stop. I felt little breaks crashing against my toes and when Lucas took the blindfold off I was met with a brilliant sunset. The whole sky had turned different shades of orange, pink and purple. I glanced over at Lucas and when he faced me I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"well well well, theres a soft side to you after all" I smiled.

"Shhh dont tell anyone that!" he laughed.

"My lips are sealed" I laughed too.

"So is this all?" I asked as the sun was nearly gone.

"Not yet Liv, the night has just begun"

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