I hate that stupid jerk! (16)

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im moving house so guess what...

my internet got cut off. Sooo i have to upload at my best friends house til i get internet back. which is gay.

BUT im nice and am uploading. am i kinda awesome? i like to think so ;)


Ooooooooh shit.

Lucas had his eyes closed and was leaning towards me.

Double oh shit.

Come on Liv you can kiss him. I mean you've kissed him before. Well okay correction he kissed you but still! This awesome date kinda deserves some lip action.

Kissing him wouldnt be that bad either. His lips were lovely to look at and they had to taste as good as they looked right?

When he was not even five centimeters from my face I did the unthinkable though.

I pushed him backwards. Backwards into the side of the boat.


He hit it with the full force of my push and instead of bouncing forwards onto me, he toppled backwards and over the side of the boat. I sat in my chair stunned beyond belief. I didnt even move when a huge splash erupted from the once still water and waves rocked the small boat. I did move though when Lucas's hands shot up out of the water and he began hauling himself back up into the dry boat. I didnt move to help him though. I moved to the other chair, out of reach in-case he decided to grab me and throw ME into the water this time.

Wouldnt put it past him actually.

"What the hell was that?"he spluttered trying to get his voice back.

"Uhhh surprise?"I managed to think of.

Yeah great comeback Liv.

"That was the WORST surprise ever! If you didnt want to kiss me then you couldve just said so!" His expression was angry but there was hurt in his eyes. I had hurt Lucas.

Shit. Am I the worst person to take on a date or what?!

"I am. SOOO sorry!"

"Sorry doesnt mean anything. Look at me" he said pointing to his dripping wet form.

"Whoopsie?" I muttered looking down.

"Totally didnt mean to push you. Well not that hard. I wanted to kiss you. I think. Okay I did. But my brain wouldnt shut up and it kept going on about how good it would be to kis you. Kept saying it wouldnt be bad at all. AND it kept saying that your totally kissable. Weird right? Well I thought it was weird. I kinda agree with my brain though. Kissing you would be awesome" I didnt really know what I was rambling about. I just kept looking at my hands and playing with my fingers, letting my mouth run.

"Wait you want to kiss me?" he was dumbfounded.

"I might've mentioned that somewhere..."

"Then why push me over the side of the boat?"

"I slipped?"

"More like stumbled." he muttered glaring.

I stood up.

"OKAY! I dont know WHY I pushed you. MAYBE its because Im scared of what will happen! Ever thought of that Mr genius?!"

He sat down in his chair heavily and put his head in his hands.

"Liv I've gotta tell you something. You might want to sit down for this too"

Oh shit?

I hate that stupid jerk!Where stories live. Discover now