(17) I hate that stupid jerk!

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So i feel sooooo freaking bad atm. but i have hardly any time to write because of Tafe and work and basketball...

But I'm trying to update most of my stories since its my day off. And I cant go play ball since I did some damage to my muscle. So in a way you guys should be happy coz that means I will be writing more since I kinda cant walk. Is it just me or did I just say 'since' alot?

Anyways I cant spend too much time on Wattpad because believe it or not, Art courses have home work. I mean who cares about the history of Renaissance Art?

Damn im rambling. Well its bound to happen with boredom. Well enough of my talking....

Im gonna try and write longer chapters since they have been only a page long. But writing more then a page is kinda hard for me. So i will try but sorry if its not. Theres only soo much a 16 year old can do guys :/

xx Bec


"Im not gonna sit down. Sitting down means its serious. I dont DO serious Lucas"

"Liv Sit down"







"Make me" I poked my tongue out.

"Sit down. And BTW put your tongue away before I do something that will gross you out"

"okay 1, NO. and 2, BTW? Lucas stupid trying to be a computer email"

He rolled his eyes at me. "Just sit down Liv"

"Just make me Lucas"

"Fine" he lightly pushed me and I stumbled backwards into my chair. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"What if I had missed my chair and fallen into the water?!"

"Im not some insane hulk-like person like you who doesnt know how to push softly. And your a girl. You SHOULD push softly"

"Well maybe your a girl too"

"Im not a girl. Want me to prove it?"

"In your dreams"

"Your dreams too"

"In my nightmares"

"Okay we're getting off subject!"

"There wasnt a subject in the first place. All I know is that you wanted me to sit down. Well mission accomplished 007!!"

"Okay I'm driving back the the dock. Just amuse yourself for a little while" he abruptly turned away from me and turned the boat sharply in the other direction.

What the hell is with hs aggression?!

I did what he said though. I amused myself.

I found some old fishing line underneath the chair I was sitting on.

To play a prank or not to play a prank. That is the 5c question.

I chuckled out-loud at that one. It earned me a strange look from Lucas over his shoulder. I rolled my eyes.

I think I will go with A. muahahahahaaa

Fishing line is long, stong and invisible. Especially at night time.

I tied one end around the base of my chair, and doing a ninja move, crouched and army rolled to the other side of the boat. Least the boat wasnt insanely huge.

I began tieing the other end to a handle of some sort. It pretty much took all my skill since it was dark and I couldnt see the line or my hands. It wasnt impossible though.

"Olivia, weird question but what are you doing crouched over in that corner?"

"In my head, I see youu all over me. In my head, you forfil my fantasy. In my head you'll be screaming OOOOOHHH! In my head, its going down" I am officially tine deaf.

"Olivia I know you dont have your ipod"

"Shut up Lucas Im-" Crap what am I doing?

Oooh uhmm talking to Keeno my imaginary friend. Trying to be a fish whisperer. Lost my earring. Being a loner.


"I needed to go to the bathroom. The boat doesnt have a bathroom. I improvised?"

Wow now Im a feral person who pee's on boats. Wow.

"Since I know theres no way in hell you would pee on a boat like that then Im gonna ask again. What are you doing?"

"You told me to amuse myself. This is me amusing myself" By tieing fishing line across the boat to watch you fall over. See amusing?

"By sitting in a corner?" he had begun steering the boat again but I could see him glancing back at me.

"I was trying to be a loner"

"Hows that going for you?" he laughed.

"Not so good since an idiot wont stop talking to me" I finished tieing the knot and walked back to my chair.

"Well its all good coz there's the dock" I looked to where he was pointing and sure enough there it was.

Soon as he stopped the boat I jumped over the fishing line and stood on the dock like I was waiting for him. Truth is I was just waiting for the show.

"Olivia Im dieing" he stood in the middle of the boat and looked up at me.

My jaw dropped.

"Uh come again?"

"Im dieing" he repeated, more slowly this time.

"Your joking right?"

"Does it look like im joking?" his face looked serious enough.

"Not really...."

He went to step off the boat.

"Lucas I wouldnt move. You will fall"

"I know how to walk Liv"

"Not when there's fishing line directly in-front of your shoe" I smiled.

"So you werent being a loner afterall" he laughed.

"Come and untie it"

"Oh okay fine!" I dragged myself back into the boat and began untieing the fishing line from the handle. Such a great plan gone to waste.

"Lucas put me down!" I screamed as he lifted me into the air.

Didnt see that one coming.

"First you dont kiss me. Second you push me into the water. And third you try and kill me with fishing line" he laughed. Oh shit.

"I never meant to try and kill you! It was just a joke!" I struggled.

"Well see this as a joke then" he threw me into the water.

I pushed myself back up to the surface and spat the sea water out of my mouth.

"Im so killing you when I get out of here!" I yelled at his laughing figure dangling his legs over the edge of the dock.

"Im already dieing so do your best!" he yelled back.

I swam to the dock and hauled myself up to sit next to him.

"So your dieing?" I muttered.


"How?" I didnt want to know.

"Guess I'm gonna have to tell you the story now" he sighed and took my hand.

I linked our fingers as he took a deep breath.

"It all started when-"


I hate that stupid jerk!Where stories live. Discover now