(3) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk! Chapter 3

Chapter 3

" I'm home" I called to my mum as I ran up the stairs and into my room. There was a note on my bed and I guessed it was from my mum.


I had to rush into work. Something went wrong and you know, I have to fix it.

There's dinner in the oven, Lorenzo went home so you have to heat it up.

Hope you had a good day at school.

Love mum xox.

Well, at least I had the house to myself right? I got changed into mini denim shorts and a white tank top and walked slowly down the stairs to the kitchen. I turned on the oven to heat up my dinner and got a glass of juice out of the fridge. I took a sip and walked into the loungeroom and turned on the Tv so there was some music going. I liked being home alone but I hated the silence. Creepy.

I sat on the couch and thought about my day. Lucas was a jerk no doubt about that. What was that guys problem anyways? Was he permanently only his period? Or had he recently escaped the mental home? I didn't have a clue. But I knew that I had to stay away from him because he honestly scared the crap out of me!

The oven timer dinged and I got up to get my dinner when I heard a smash coming from my room upstairs. WHAT THE FUCK?!? Was it a robber? Holy shit! I ran quietly into the kitchen and grabbed out a sharp knife and walked up the stairs. I stood outside my bedroom and pressed my ear against the door listening.

I could hear muffled footsteps and the occasional possesion being picked up then set back down. Creep was touching my things! Oh HELL no! I ran through the door and turned on the light with my knife held high. The robbers back was to me so I couldn't see his face.

"Oi you! What the fuck are you doing in my house? You have about five seconds before I call the cops!" the robber slowly turned around and I dropped my knife.

hahahaa cliff hanger!! I really hate them but it makes the story interesting right? Anywhoo comment vote become a fan, pleasee.

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