I hate that stupid jerk! Chapter 10

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I hate that stupid jerk!


So I just got back from a 3 hour walk with a friend and now I cant be bothered cleaning my room so I thought, Lets upload!

This chapter is hopefully going to be longer than one page. Seriously, one pagers annoy the hell out of me and I always seem to do them.

My friend asked me to help her write a chapter for her story and I think it turned out pretty good so check it out. Her wattpad name is vampyre_twin.

Anywho I really like this chapter... you'll see why!

Until next time

- bec

Chapter 10

"well up you come and grab a tool. You two are in here for an hour so make the best of your time" Satan- aka the janitor- said.


"I swear Im gonna die.

Or commit suicide.

Which evers easier.

I pushed back from the table and dragged my feet closer and closer to the janitor, each step getting harder to take. Lucas walked behind me and put his hands on my hips, pushing me faster towards my doom.

Yes I said it. My doom.

I struggled against Lucas's pushing and tried to stop my feet moving forward but no. It didnt work did it?

It never works.

Ah life is so unfair.

Eventually Lucas got me over to the table the janitor was sitting at and I had to stop myself from falling over by putting my hands out infront of me and catching the table. My ass would've been in the air and with Lucas standing behind me, it would probably result in him trying to screw me on the table.

And doing that in front of the janitor after him catching us in the closet would get us expelled for sure.

I stood upright and grabbed a metal spatula looking thing. Scraping off gum under tables with these tings? No gloves?!?

I stood there watching as Lucas grabbed his tool and I turned over the 'spatula' in my hands just staring down at it.

"well dont just stand there. Get to work" he said swatting us away like flies.

I walked over to the nearest table and sat on the floor. Lucas sat at one behind me. I glanced up when the door opened.

"WAIT! Where are you going?!" I asked the janitor.

"Im not staying here, I've got toilets to clean" he walked out closing the door behind him and then I was alone. With Lucas. Future stalker in the making.

He got up off the floor and sat on the table above my head and looked down at me. I glanced up at him then down in the tool in my hands.

"I like you from this view" he said.

I glared up at him and looked down to the tool again. I wonder if this thing would kill anyone. Decapitation maybe.

I pondered over the many possibilities.

Oh now this was heaven.

Lucas kicked me out of my daydream with the toe of his shoes and that made me glare at him again.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"What ya thinking?"

"None ya business"

I hate that stupid jerk!Where stories live. Discover now