(5) I hate that stupid jerk!

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I hate that stupid jerk! Chapter 5

A/N: hahaha sorry about the cliffhanger guys, here is the next chappie, enjoyy :D

Chapter 5

His lips were about 2 seconds away from crashing down onto mine. Surely it wouldn't kill me to see if there was any fireworks, chemistry, would it?

Surely it wouldn't be so bad to kiss Lucas once, just once to get it over with. To say that, yes, I have kissed that egotistical jerk.

Well surely I have lost my good sense and my brain.

His lips were 1 cm away from mine and just as he was about to touch his to mine I sucked in a huge gulp of air and blew it straight into his face. Some spit might have flew out too but I was way past thinking coherently anymore.

I fell off him and the bed and was shaking uncontrollably on the floor. The thing with laughing too much is

a) you begin not to be able to breath properly

b) tears start coming out because you are laughing so hard. They aren't tears of sadness though, they're tears of joy. (especially in this case)

and c) it may be damn right funny the thing your laughing at, but all that laughing hurts your chest!

I slowed down my laughing til I was just giggling hysterically and sat up wiping away the rest of my laughing tears. I glanced up at Lucas and he was wiping his face too. Though I am pretty sure it was MY spit and not HIS tears of laughter. Damn shame, it would've been more funnier if he was laughing too.

He finished wiping his face and just stared at me. Creepy much?

I got up and walked over to sit on my computer chair, turning it so I was facing him. He was still watching me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I said sarcastically.

He took his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture of me.

"Dude, I was been sarcastic"

"Oh I know" was all I got out of him.

We just sat there, staring at eachother, not willing to speak first. I dont know about you guys, but i HATE awkward silences.

"Aren't you mad?" I said eventually.


"Can you say a more detailed answer?

"No I'm not angry. Better?"

"Why aren't you angry? I basically spat in your face!" I yelled in annoyance.

"Because. You'll kiss me soon enough" He walked over and stood in front of me. I stood up too.

I was only a bit smaller than him.

He really should have seen it coming.

Too bad.

I kicked him in the balls so hard I swear I could hear all his sperm dying. Then he just crumbled to the floor like the baby he is.

"There! Is that enough kissing for you?! My foot kissed your balls!" I turned around and walked to the door.

"Oh yeah and by the way, I want you gone before I get back. Otherwise, my other foot is going to kiss your balls as well." I opened the door and walked out, grabbing my phone so I could call Anna and tell her about my victory.

Well what do you know, I had a good day after all.

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