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"So much for hoping he would show up." Night hated Jungkook in the past week, more than she had ever done.

"Our luck is terrible." Zia sighed, looking longingly at the doors. Zia looked tired, she hadn't slept in days.

Nighted also sighed and moved to clean a table which was recently vacated. She picked the plates up, still thinking where Jungkook was and why wasn't he coming. If she had known Jungkook was a Phenomenal, she would have explained it to him. Though Zia didn't blame her, she still felt guilty. If she still had Vague....

There was no time to dwell in the past. She had to focus on finding Jungkook at the moment.

"Can I have an espresso?" Zia asked her when she walked back. Night glumly nodded and went back inside.

Zia yawned as Night placed her cup on the table. "We can't wait for him to show up. We have to do something."

"Like what?" Zia said, looking in her eyes.

"I don't know...... But something." Night said accepting defeat. "Has Psyche talked to you?"

"No. Not yet."

Night let go of the little hope she had held. They had reached a dead end. They had to find Jungkook as soon as possible. A monster had attacked her recently, she could kill it because she had trained for years. Jungkook didn't even know about his true identity, he hadn't even activated his powers. How would he fight a monster?

Zia had finished her coffee and rested her head on the table. Night sat opposite to her, looking at the counter absentmindedly. She knew she shouldn't give up, but she had learnt to give up in these past years. She hated thinking about her past, all the mistakes came back to her like arrows opening her already healing wounds again. She shouldn't have gone to the park with Zia.

"You should be careful." She told herself. She hadn't expected this to happen. Over years she had avoided going everywhere. She only came to the cafe and went back home.

"Night." Zia whispered, placing her hand on her wrist. "Maybe I can get in-"

"NO!" Night said abruptly, interrupting her. "I'm sorry, but no. I trust you, Zia, but not enough for you to get in my head." The thought of Zia being in her head scared.

"Okay, it's Night it really is." Zia said, getting up. "I'm going back. Bye."

"Bye." Night said. Night felt like she had disappointed Zia again. She wanted to turn off her emotions, the grief, the regret, the hurt was all too much. It made her crumble inside, but it was the only thing keeping her human.


"The Han River is beautiful." Jungkook breathed as he clicked pictures, looking down at the river. He was standing on a bridge above the river, trying to capture every moment of his trip to Seoul.

After a while he stopped to satisfy his hunger, which was growing by the minute. He walked down the bridge and entered the busy streets of Seoul.

The lights illuminated the streets, making them stand out more. He was trying to find a restaurant which served black bean noodles.

"Thank you." He told the server and started eating his meal. The food was so delicious, Jungkook had to restrain himself from ordering another bowl.

He walked out of the shop happily. He looked up at the stars covering the night sky, not leaving it bare in any inch of it.

He skipped down the street happily as he made his way back to his hotel.

He was free in Seoul, and he loved it. No rules, he could do what he wanted.

Someone bumped into him. "You need to be careful roaming alone around in a big city like Seoul." Saying this he walked away.

Jungkook frowned at the words. He was 18; he knew what not to do. He passed the man to be drunk. And continued down the street. Completely oblivious to the words of the many which was a warning.


Zia had her head down when she walked home. The sun was scorching her back.

"Psyche? Are you there?" Zia called out yet again. Psyche didn't reply, her voice echoing in the depths of her mind. She sighed. Psyche had been gone for days with telling. Psyche wasn't even answering her, no matter who many times she called Psyche's name.

Without Psyche, Zia felt weird. It was because of Psyche she could find Night and Jungkook. She had hoped Night would let her fish out the voice of her gem. She understood Night's concerns, but they had to do everything they had to find Jungkook before any monster killed him.

The incident in the park had shaken Night. Night seemed more vulnerable in the past few days. She talked less and always minded her own business. She tried not to show it, but Zia noticed. Zia wanted to talk to her, she knew Night would not share it so easily.

Jungkook knew Night. Maybe he would help her know about Night's past. She had shared nothing about her past life. She licked her lips.

What had Night done to stop using her powers? There were a million questions she had for Night, but she knew she wouldn't get answers without seeing hurt in the latter's eyes.

"Why wasn't it so hard to understand a person?" She muttered to herself.

After a while she had finally reached the apartment she and Night were sharing. She was so tired, and wanted to go to bed, but she had to take a shower first. She was sweaty from walking in the sun for so long.

Zia was in the shower when she almost died. Psyche had screamed in her head, causing her to jump and slip.






"WHY NOT? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I'M NAKED!" Zia might have screamed out loud, but she couldn't care less. "And why do you want me to call Night right now?"

"It's important." Psyche said curtly.

Zia rolled her eyes again with the secrets. Psyche couldn't tell her a thing straight.

"It can wait."

"CALL NIGHT!" Psyche said, and Zia ducked in pain, holding her head.

"FINE! YOU WIN! NOW STOP!" Zia screamed, the pain causing her eyes to go red. Psyche stopped, and Zia held on to the taps to stop to maintain her balance.

She got out of the water and wrapped a towel around her, cutting off the water supply; the cold air giving her goosebumps. Stuttering, she reached for her phone and called Night. "Can you at least tell me, what should I tell her?"

"Hello?" Night said from the other end of the line.

"Hey, Night, it's me, Zia." She answered.

"What happened?"

"Uh, I need you to come back right now."


"It's about Jungkook." Zia said, repeating Psyche's words.

"Ok, I'm coming." Night said, before ending the call.

Zia tossed her phone back on the bed and got dressed. She rubbed her arms to get warmth as she waited for Night to come back.

She jumped when she heard the door unlocking. Night looked visibly irritated about having to walk all the way back.

"What, about Jungkook, is so important that I had to come here?"

"Jungkook is in Seoul."


JUNGKOOK IS IN SEOUL!? How did that happen?

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