✦・twenty six╭╯

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Yoongi bumped into Hoseok and scared both of them.

"Did you find her?" Hoseok asked, referring to Night.

Yoongi shook his head. He was searching for a long time.

They heard footsteps echoing through the empty warehouse. Hoseok instinctively summoned a fireball.

"Chill, it's me." Namjoon said. "Jimin said he found your friend, she's bleeding bad."

"Bleeding? What happened to her?" Yoongi asked urgently.

"The Gargoyle attacked her."

"Where's Zia?" Hoseok asked. Everyone knew Zia and Night are close.

"She's out with the rest."

Yoongi didn't know what to expect. How badly was Night injured?

When they exited the warehouse, Jimin, Night and Jungkook were missing. Zia and Taehyung were standing near the van. The door of the van opened and Jungkook jumped down.

"Where are Night and Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"Both of them passed out." Zia explained in a quiet voice. "I think we should go back. I'll drive."

"No, I'll drive." Yoongi offered. Zia wasn't stable right now.

Zia nodded and handed him the keys. She went to sit beside Night. She enclosed Night's hand in her and closed her eyes. Jimin was opposite to them, deep in sleep. It was the second time Jimin passed out because of healing someone in two days.

Yoongi got a glance at Night. Her white hair was covered in blood, making it look like she had gotten new highlights. Her shirt was torn and covered in blood. Jimin had given his jacket to keep her warm.

Yoongi started driving. The car was quiet. No one said anything, everyone was lost in their own thoughts.

An hour later they reached.

"Jungkook you take Jimin. I'll take Night." Yoongi heard Zia say.

Yoongi stepped out of the van. He was tired and wanted to sleep. But he had to help around first.

Taehyung held the door open for Zia and Jungkook. Zia carefully tucked Night in her bed and Jungkook disappeared with Jimin.

Hoseok was showing Namjoon a room for the latter to occupy.

"Does anyone need my help in anything?" Yoongi asked. "Or I can take some rest?"

"Get some rest." Zia said, closing the door behind.

Yoongi nodded and walked to his room. He kicked off his shoes and jumped on the soft mattress, exhausted to even change his clothes.


Zia entered Night's room. It was early in the morning and she was still sleeping. The room was dark and Zia edged closer to Night's bed. Zia sighed, she was hoping Night woke up and went back to sleep but Night didn't even move around at night.

She placed a glass of water on Night's table stand. Jimin had healed her, but she had lost a lot of blood.

Zia had been searching for the symptoms of blood loss. Dehydration was one of them. It also said Night had to consume lots of fluid, but Zia had decided to start with a bottle of water.

Night's face was pale, her cheeks flushed. Zia placed her hand for Night's forehead. She had a fever.

Suddenly Night stirred. Her eyes shot open. "Zia?" She mumbled. "A Gargoyle-"

"Night, you're not in that room anymore. The Gargoyle is dead."

Night frowned and looked around the room. She realised where she was and relaxed.

"What happened? I remember fighting the monster. My sword!" She jumped and regretted it immediately.

"You have lost a lot of blood. Your body will take time to replenish that much blood, and your sword is still in the car, I think." Zia said softly. "Do you need anything?"

"I feel cold." she mumbled again.

"I'll switch off the fan and get you another blanket. Drink the glass of water till I'm back."

She switched off the fan and walked out of the room. Hoseok told her that all the blankets and towels were in the laundry room. The laundry room was in the basement.

Hoseok had been very nice to her. He had a naturally bright personality and a very contagious smile, which always made her smile. He looked very cute when his dimples popped out.

Zia jumped the last few steps and opened a cupboard with blankets in it. All of them were huge and fluffy. She grabbed the first one and walked up the stairs.

"There." she said, placing the blanket over her.

"What is it?" Night asked her. She noticed Zia's disturbed expression.

"How did you lose that fight with the Gargoyle?" Zia blurted out.

Night didn't say anything for a long time.

"Get a chair, it's a long story."


{A/N}: What is Night telling Zia? Thankyou so much for reading. Please vote and comment on your favourite part. 

We are so close to 1k reads. I wanna thank everyone who has supported this book. 



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(I'm so happy I don't think I can sleep.)

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