✦・sixty one╭╯

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Today was the day. The sun rose over the mountains as usual. Maybe this was the last time Jungkook would see the sun rise. This morning was as normal as the others. That was the main cause of his nervousness. It felt like a normal day, but it wasn't. No matter if they won or lost, their days weren't going to be normal. He had gotten up early today. He wasn't the only one.

They didn't know when the Royal Council was coming, but ten days were over. They had to pack up their things and move from their base. The spaceship was going to land somewhere there. At least they had a plan. He heard shuffling behind him, so he turned his head.

Jin and Yoongi were disassembling their tent. Jungkook was sharing his tent with Taehyung and he was still sleeping. Jungkook headed back to his tent to wake Taehyung up. Jin greeted him with a smile, which he happily returned.

In the tent, Taehyung was sprawled over his sheets. His blanket covered half his body. Jungkook was tempted to click a picture and use it to blackmail Taehyung later.

"Taehyung wake up!" Jungkook shouted, snatching his blanket. Taehyung sleepily tried to grasp his blanket, but Jungkook threw it in a corner. "We have to leave. Are you up?"

"Yes, I am." Taehyung mumbled, his eyes barely open. "You don't die today." He said instead of good morning.

"You try the same."

Jungkook left Taehyung to get ready in the tent. Jin and Yoongi were cooking ramen on the portable stove. His stomach grumbled. All the time they were here, they had ramen for every meal. Food wasn't their most important priority at the time, they had spent countless hours planning. Still, at the back of his mind, Jungkook feared they would fail.

Jimin, Night, Taehyung and Namjoon joined them near the stove. Shortly, Zia and Hoseok disassembled their tent and came over. Night and Jimin had packed their tent, so had Namjoon. Only Taehyung and Jungkook were left. They would do it after getting some food into their systems.

"Jungkook, this is your last chance." Night mumbled. "Make a move, tell Jin."

"Like you told Jimin you liked the moment you met him." He replied in a low voice. He didn't want anyone hearing them. "If you had, it would have saved me my frustration."

Night rolled her eyes. "We don't have time now." She was right. They don't have time. But he didn't know if Jin liked him back. So he refrained himself from doing anything.

Namjoon passed him a bowl of ramen. He quickly scuffed it down, his nervousness growing with every bite, and waited for Taehyung to finish his food. Then the pair dismantled their tent and packed their things.

Everyone slung their bags over their shoulders and disappeared into the cluster of trees nearby. They had made sure to double check if they had left anything. After they were satisfied there was no evidence they were there, their plan would spring into action. The Phenomenal knew the geography of Bukhansan like the back of their palm.


Taehyung crouched low. Leaves from the branches overhead were tickling his ears. He kept his eyes glued to their recently emptied base. They were lucky the spaceship hadn't landed when they were sleeping. Would rain affect an Erothian spaceship? He thought. If it did, it should rain today. Can Jin make it rain?

There was an eerie silence. It crawled up his bones. He refused to register fear. Doing so would make him focus on his fear, diverting his attention from this task. The first plan with the Royal Children, they would kill their parents. The Phenomenal would just assist them. In their new plan, they would kill their parents.

He sometimes thought his parent's fear was justified. They sent him to Earth because they thought he would kill them. They were right; he was going to kill them. This was like a prophecy. Even if they tried to avoid their fate, in the end, what had to transpire would.

You are destined to save Eroth.

Hours passed by. The surrounding air stilled, but the trees swayed gently. Silence rolled over. The sun shimmered overhead, but Taehyung couldn't feel the warmth. A chill vibrated through his bones. He looked up. There it was. A fleet of spaceships, the biggest one landing first. He didn't dare to take his eyes away from the ships. If he did, he was afraid they would find him hiding behind the trees and bushes.

Jin let out a shaky breath. Taehyung refused to look at him. His heart drummed in his rib cage. The biggest ship landed first. There were fifty small ships surrounding it. They must be carrying the soldiers. All the hexagonal ships were pearly white. All of these ships were bigger than the one they had traveled in to go to Eroth.

The ramp of the main ship opened. A bunch of grands stepped out first. Their expressions were trained to be serious. Then kids in chains. His jaw dropped at the sight. It was his siblings. Chains were tied around their arms, legs and neck.

He dared to look away from the sight in front of him. Jin was looking at the Royal Children in front of him with his eyes wide and lips parted slightly.

Why were they tied up in chains? Was this some plan to draw them out? Their faces looked bored. Ixone was humming a song and bobbing her head to it. Dracio was trying to step on a guard's feet just to cause trouble. Silvius was walking down the ramp as though he was the king. Jett was yawning.

The Royal Council walked out of the ship next. Their faces expressionless. They were wearing armor. The color of their armors resembled their powers. His eyes found his parents wearing Grey Armour. He got his blonde hair from his father. Taehyung shared the same slant of cheekbones and curve of his nose with his mother. None of his parents had his blue eyes.

"Now, we kill you with your wretched siblings." A woman in red Armour spat. It was Hoseok's mom. "You still have time to switch sides."

"We don't want to kill you." A man in blue Armour, Namjoon's father, said. "Those Phenomenal have messed with your minds. Come back to the right side."

Ixone chuckled. "You think we can't think with our own minds, Father? It was us who got them out of the cells in the first place."

The Royal Council looked shocked. This information was enough to reveal their shocked expressions.

Taehyung felt someone approach him. It was Yoongi. Jimin, Zia, Hoseok, Night, Jungkook, Namjoon were behind him. Without saying a word, all of them agreed on one thing.

They wouldn't let their siblings die.


{A/N}: Looks like blood is thicker than water. 

How was the chapter?

This is the 9th chapter from the end. 


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