✦・forty one╭╯

142 33 18

It was the most comfortable bed Yoongi had slept in. He started snoring as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was considerably relaxed the next day. He went to the outer room. It didn't have a specific name, so everyone just called it the 'outer room' or just the 'room'.

Night and Jimin were already there, giggling together. There were empty chocolate wrappers lying in front of them. Jimin leaned forward and took a bite of Night's chocolate. She complained, telling him to eat his own chocolate before shoving the leftover chocolate into her mouth; to prevent Jimin from eating it. Were they there the whole night?

All the washrooms were occupied when Yoongi woke up. So he had decided to get himself a cup of coffee. He offered to make coffee for Jimin and Night too, but Night refused.

"I have eaten too many chocolates." she said.

The others filled out of their rooms except Hoseok and Zia. They had slept in the late afternoon yesterday. They must still be in bed.

"Day one and still not dead." Jungkook mumbled under his breath. Yoongi couldn't tell whether he was relieved or irritated about it.

Yoongi silently chuckled under his breath. They still had a long way to go after they reached Eroth. No one had any idea how long it would take for them to reach. They were hoping not more than a few weeks.

He looked out of the window to see the weather. Then he mentally slapped himself. There was no atmosphere in space to affect the weather. Endless darkness and countless stars surrounded them.

No one spoke much to each other. Everyone was expressing their shock in their own way. It was a drowsy atmosphere. People entered and exited the room with no purpose. Everyone was sheepish in their own thoughts.

There wasn't much to do on the spaceship. There was no network, so their phones were useless. The ship also didn't offer any sort of entertainment or distraction from the dreaded journey.

For breakfast, Yoongi ate some cereal without milk. He didn't have an appetite to eat anything.

"Yoongi, come on, play with us. It will take your mind off things." Hoseok urged.

Yoongi sighed and joined them. They were playing uno again. After playing a couple of rounds, Hoseok was right. It did take his mind off things.

After they were done playing, he and Jin decided to cook something to eat.

The rest of the time passed. Yoongi still had no idea what time it would be on Earth. He guessed it would be somewhere from the late evenings to midnight.

"Ow!" Jin exclaimed when a bottle full of water hit his face. Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung were playing catch with a water bottle because they forgot to buy a ball. "My face!"

"Oh, sorry Jin." Jungkook said quickly. He was embarrassed.

"Jin, it's just your face." Hoseok said, exasperated.

"Just my face! Just my handsome face! Do you even know what you are talking about?" Jin shouted. His face and ears turned red.

"The most interesting thing that has happened so far." Night whispered to Yoongi. She was sitting right beside him, watching the argument unfold.

"Yeah." Yoongi said, trying not to laugh.

"Okay, fine. We'll be more careful in the future." Hoseok told Jin.

"You better be." Jin mumbled. 


It had been ten days since they had been floating through the cosmos in a spaceship. Everything was the same. They would wake up, spend the rest of their day finding something to do, then go back to sleep.

Taehyung roamed around in the outer room for no reason. It was early in the morning; he guessed. After this long he couldn't tell what time it would be according to Earth, but the others were sleeping.

The outer room was, as usual, brightly lit. The light wasn't switched off in case of an emergency.

Suddenly the lights started blinking. Then it turned red.Taehyung flinched horribly. Not knowing what to do in the situation, he ran towards Namjoon's room to wake him up.

"What? Taehyung?" Namjoon said, rubbing his eyes.

"The lights in the outer room have turned red." Taehyung said, panicking.

Namjoon sat straight and looked at him. His eyes wide and no evidence of sleep in them. He looked at him for confirmation. Taehyung nodded, and Namjoon bolted out of the room. Taehyung at his heels.

The outer room was lit red by this time. The polished white surfaces now looked red.

"Do you know what is happening?" Taehyung asked Namjoon.

Namjoon looked around, trying to figure out if there was a malfunction in the ship.

"You have entered the atmosphere of Eroth." Namjoon read out loud. "Autopilot has been disabled."

Taehyung's eyes grew wide behind Namjoon. If autopilot was disabled then they were going to crash.

"Taehyung, we have to wake up the others. This thing is going to crash."

Taehyung and Namjoon ran down the hallway to wake up their sleeping friends. He burst into a room to his right and saw Jin sleeping.

"Jin, wake up." he said, shaking the older one awake. "We are going to crash."

Jin suddenly woke up, causing Taehyung to fall back.


"Yeah, let's go." Taehyung urged.

Jin got up and followed Taehyung out. The next room he stepped in was Zia and Hoseok's. The pair were holding each other in deep sleep.

"ZIA! HOSEOK! WAKE UP." Jin bellowed at the top of his lungs and left to wake the others.

Zia and Hoseok woke up, startled. Zia looked at Taehyung with a confused expression.

"We are going to crash. Wake up! And go to the outer room."

Taehyung went back to the outer room after waking everyone. All of them looked sleepy but were wide awake.

"How long do we have before we crash?" Jimin asked.

"Can we prevent it?" asked Yoongi.

"We might have a few minutes at best." Namjoon replied. "And I don't think we can stop it."

Jimin nodded. "Get behind me." he summoned white light while everyone hurried behind him. Soon they were enclosed in a white sphere. It was as bright as the interior of the ship.

Everyone braced themself for the impact which was about to follow. Taehyung held his breath, and then his feet were thrown off the ground. 


{A/N}: That's not a good landing on Eroth. How was the chapter? What's you favourite part? Vote so that the Phenomenal will stay safe :) 

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