✦・fifty one╭╯

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"Ow." Zia mumbled when she tried to get up. Her head felt heavy.

Hoseok rushed to her side. "Don't make any sudden movements. It will hurt." He whispered and kissed her cheek.

She felt weak. Her vision was blurry and unfocused. She blinked a couple of times. The room came into focus. Hoseok was bending in front of her, his eyebrows scrunched.

"What happened? I remember the General shooting me and the pain, but nothing else after that. And how long have I been in bed?"

"The General did shoot you and you passed out for a week. We are on Earth-" Hoseok said, lacing his fingers with hers.

"How did we get back?" She asked, cutting Hoseok in the middle of his sentence.

She was back in her room. Everything was just the way she had left it before leaving. Hoseok had drawn the curtains. She couldn't tell if it was day or night.

"That's a long story and very complicated." Hoseok explained.

Zia tried moving. Pain shot through her body, and she fell back on her pillows. She pulled up her shirt to see her wound. It was bandaged.

"I should call Jimin. He has to heal you." Hoseok said, eying her wound.

"What do you mean?"

"The General stabbed you with an Erothian blade. Ahaan said, those take time to heal. So Jimin's been healing you regularly." He said.

Zia's lips curved upward into a small smile of gratitude. Whenever one of the Phenomenal were injured, it was always Jimin who would heal them. Without a complaint, he would do it.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Night has been waiting for you to get up. She wants to talk to you about something." Hoseok said. He got up and kissed her forehead. "I'll call Jimin."

What did Night want to talk about? Did something happen?

"Zia! You 're awake! How are you feeling?" Jimin asked cheerfully when he walked into her room.

"Weak, I think that will wear off after a while." Zia replied.

"Let me see your wound." Jimin said.

She pulled up her shirt enough for him to see the bandages wrapped on her side.

"Okay, so I'm gonna remove the bandages and heal you before wrapping the bandages again."

She nodded, wondering whether it would hurt if her wound would be left open.

Jimin removed her bandages and healed her. She could remember her most treasured memories. She could feel Hoseok's lips on hers. His lips tasted of champagne and gummy bears like they did when she first kissed him. The memory of her and Night driving to Seoul made its way in her mind. She sighed happily. Temporarily, she couldn't feel the throbbing pain in her wound.

After he was done, he gave her a big smile. "You are all healed. Though you should still stay in bed for a while"

"Did you hear him, Zia?" Night asked, leaning on the door frame. Her hair was messily dropping down her shoulders. Her eyes were distracted.

"You can't get out of bed. If you do, then no Hoseok." she smirked before making her way to the bed.

"Now you are just getting back at me for the time you were injured." Zia groaned.

"Maybe, but still." Jimin chuckled and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Hoseok said you wanted to tell me something."

Night nodded and sat down on the bed. She looked nervous and didn't know where to start. She took a deep breath.

"I activated my powers."

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