✦・thirty five╭╯

176 37 19

Jimin groaned and rolled around in his blankets. He was still tired, but he couldn't get himself to fall asleep. Finally, he got up and rubbed his eyes. They were still heavy and barely opened as he waddled through his room. Tripping over his shoe on his way to the bathroom.

He got dressed and headed upstairs for breakfast. His stomach rumbled, and he saw Jin in an apron and chef hat cooking. Jin expertly flipped a pancake in the air and caught it back. He then started cooking sausages.

Jimin's eyes feasted on the delicious dishes being cooked in front of him. His hunger only grew.

Jungkook was watching Jin with his mouth slightly hanging open. "You're really good at cooking." he complimented the actor. Jin didn't respond, but gave him a small smile and continued cooking.

"Smells good in here." Namjoon said as he came into the kitchen.

"I can't wait to eat it." Taehyung added.

Jimin sat at the small table. Jungkook, Night, Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi were already seated.

"Hello Zia, did you sleep well?" Jungkook asked, smirking as soon as Zia entered the kitchen. Night's head shot up at Zia's name, mischief glinting in her eyes. Zia merely rolled her eyes and pulled a chair for herself.

"What about you Hoseok? Did you sleep well?" Night questioned Hoseok, who had entered the kitchen after Zia.

He let out an audible sigh and sat beside Zia, glancing at her before looking away. "Can both of you stop it?" he asked.

"Absolutely not."

"It's too much fun."

Taehyung, Jimin, Namjoon and Yoongi exchanged confused looks. While Jin was biting his lower lip, trying not to laugh.

"Kids." Zia muttered under her breath. Jin finally snickered.

"Jin, not you too." Hoseok groaned.

"This was a bad idea." Zia said, massaging her temples.

"Come on, don't say that." Hoseok pouted.

Night, Jin, and Jungkook burst out laughing.

Jimin's confusion only grew. There was something which Zia and Hoseok were hiding. Jungkook, Jin, and Night knew about it. Night and Jungkook were constantly teasing... Jimin's eyes grew wide. He knew what they were talking about.

"Did you guys- are you guys? I can't believe it." Jimin laughed.

"What can't you believe? What are you talking about? Can someone please explain it to me? I'm so lost." Taehyung said sadly.

"It means that Hoseok and Zia are dating." Jin said, placing the sausages on the table and sending the couple an affectionate look.

"Finally." shouted Yoongi, slapping the table in excitement.

"Congratulations!" Namjoon said. "How long have you guys been dating?"

"Yesterday night?" Zia said in a low voice. Her cheeks flushed.

"Zia looked so good yesterday, Hoseok just couldn't control himself." Yoongi teased, flashing them his gummy smile.

Everyone laughed. Hoseok's face was red like a tomato. Zia creased the back of his hand with her thumb, chuckling. He smiled at her, his eyes crinkling with joy.

Meanwhile, Jin had moved all the food to the table. Everyone dived into the delicious dishes prepared by Jin. He was a great cook. Jimin savoured every bite he had.

"Guys," Jungkook said, after everyone was done eating. "Before we proceed further, I think we should work on our powers a little."

Jimin liked the idea. He hadn't activated his powers recently, but improving his skills was always going to benefit him.

"We should, but where?" Namjoon asked.

"Hoseok has a pretty big lawn. You guys can practise there." Night pointed out.

"There goes my lawn maintenance." Hoseok said. "But yeah, we can use the lawn."

"We all have just eaten. Let's wait an hour or two before practicing." Namjoon said.

Jimin yawned lazily. Jin's breakfast had made him sleepy. He placed his plate in the sink and strolled out of the kitchen. He wasn't sure what to do until they had to practice.

"Jimin, we are planning to take a stroll around. Wanna join?" Night asked.

"Sure." he said. He didn't have anything to do. "Who all are coming?"

"Me and Jungkook and Night." Taehyung said, coming out of the kitchen.

"I still can't believe you guys didn't tell me about Hoseok and Zia." Jimin complained as soon as they were out of the villa.

"You weren't there." Night said, kicking a stone.

"I was."

"What I mean is that, like Jungkook came to check. If you would have come, I would have told you."

"You could have still told me later."

Night shrugged, and Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Why do you two always argue?" Taehyung asked.


The lawn was huge and well maintained. The sun peeked out of the clouds to shine over the grass and villa, painting its white walls cream.

Night had decided to monitor them.

"How are we going to do this?" Yoongi asked when everyone stepped out of the villa.

He didn't understand how they were going to practice and improve their powers. They didn't have any equipment.

"We can fight each other." Jimin suggested.

They agreed.

"Hoseok and Namjoon could fight." Night suggested. "Fire and water."

Hoseok and Namjoon looked at each other and slowly nodded.

Yoongi sat down on the grass with the rest.

Namjoon and Hoseok stood at a distance from each other. Both hesitant in their actions.

Hoseok summoned a fireball and threw it at Namjoon. He easily distinguished the fire with a flick of his wrist.

Slowly, the excitement and tension grew. Namjoon and Hoseok started fighting more professionally, but were still careful of not hurting the other.

Zia was twisting her fingers in her lap as she was watching the two boys fight. Hoseok and Namjoon weren't going to hurt each other, but she was worried about her new boyfriend.

Namjoon had drenched Hoseok. His hair was sticking to his forehead. He defended Namjoon's attack. Fire and water met in the middle, trying to engulf each other. Namjoon and Hoseok channeled more power and eventually stopped.

"How was that?" Namjoon asked, panting.

"Pretty good." Jimin commented, flipping his hair back.

Hoseok puffed his cheeks out and sat down beside Zia.

Yoongi wondered who he would fight with. Since Night didn't use her powers, they could divide themselves in four pairs. He could fight Jin or Jimin.

"Jimin and Yoongi?" Jin suggested.

"I think it should be Taehyung and Jimin." said Jungkook.

"But only Night can fight with Jimin." Zia said, frowning.

"Why me?" Night asked, her eyebrows scrunched, but her eyes were alarmed.

"..Because...you have......a sword. It can deflect Jimin's powers. But then again, you still need rest."

Night nodded.

"Yoongi and Jin can go next." Zia said, quickly changing the topic.

The two boys got up. Yoongi exhaled deeply and readied himself.


{A/N}: Poor Ziseok, Jungkook and Night always teasing them. Why will win between Jin and Yoongi? Thank you so much for reading. Comment on your favourite part and vote too. 

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