✦・thirty six╭╯

158 38 14

"Okay let's start." Namjoon said, picking up a pencil, waiting for someone to tell their idea so he could jot it down. They had just started planning for their trip to Eroth.

Jungkook looked around. His eyes met Yoongi's. He was doing the same thing as Jungkook. Wait for someone to say something because he didn't have an input.

"Does anyone have any idea?" Namjoon asked when no one said anything and only glanced at each other.

The only thing Jungkook had running in his mind was how he could get himself and the others yeeted to the planet they had to save and have a soft landing. The idea, being impossible and to an extent dumb, he brushed it away.

Only Taehyung could fly, but he couldn't breathe in outer space. Jungkook thought. But if Jimin made a light sphere, then they would be able to breath. But then again, Taehyung can only fly because his power was wind. There was no wind in space.

He sighed. He didn't have an idea which wouldn't earn him a sarcastic comment from Yoongi or Night.

"I do." Jin said.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked eagerly, his intelligent eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"Let's order food." Jin said, laughing. His laugh was squeaky.

"I like the idea." Yoongi said, dryly.

"I think we need to concentrate right now," said Zia.

"Now that Jin has mentioned food, it is going to be hard to concentrate. I think we should eat first." Night said slyly.

Jungkook had no problem with ordering food. They were just sitting around thinking of a plan. It was making him hungry.

"When will we ever get to Eroth?" Namjoon mumbled to himself.

Jin ordered a few pizzas for everyone. Everyone tucked in as soon as the pizza arrived.

"Pizza's over. How do we distract ourselves now?" Night mumbled.

"You know you should always walk after you have eaten, it's good for digestion." Taehyung said, springing to his feet.

Everyone was tired of Zia and Namjoon drilling their brains for ideas, though no one said it out loud. The ideas they had already jotted down weren't good enough for them to enter Eroth undetected.

On hearing Taehyung's words, Jungkook quickly got up. Jimin and Night also jump to their feet. Zia opened her mouth to say something, but all of them quickly made their way out of the villa.

"We better think of a good plan before going in again or else Zia is going to make us jump off this roof." Jimin warned.

"Or we just wait for someone else to come up with a good plan." Taehyung smirked and stretched.

The place surrounding Hoseok's villa was amazing. There were open fields for the eye to see. Trees covered the perimeter of the isolated property. Soft blowing wind cooled the atmosphere.

"Are we allowed to go here?" Jungkook asked. The last time they stepped out of the villa, they didn't go into the fields. He was afraid of trespassing.

"There isn't a board or barriers. It would be fine, I guess." Jimin answered.

Nevertheless, they walked in the open field. The grass was unkempt and growing wild.

It suddenly hit Jungkook. It was one of their last days on Earth. His heart felt heavy. He hadn't realised his attachment to his home planet until he had to leave it.

You don't value something until you are about to lose it.

"These are our last days on Earth." he softly said.

A small fire warmed his insides. He knew the chances of him coming back to Earth were slim, but was going to be okay. Things would sort out in the future. If they didn't, they would find a way. There was still hope.

"Yeah." Taehyung said, his eyes filled with emotion.

"I never thought of leaving Earth." Jimin adds.

"At least we will have the memories." Night said sadly.

Jungkook looked down at the wild grass. Small bugs and insects lived there. No one paid any attention to them unless they were troubling them. He was like that to the people of Eroth. He was going to put up a good fight, like a mosquito when you 're about to sleep.


They resumed their planning as soon as Taehyung, Night, Jungkook and Jimin came back.

Zia racked her brain for any idea. How did the monsters come to Earth from Eroth?

"Guys, how do the monsters get to Earth? What if we do the same thing?" Zia said.

"We can only do that if the monsters use a spaceship. If they teleport then we can't just grab their hand and go with them." Yoongi countered.

"If they use a spaceship, we can just jack it." Jimin said.

"Yeah, we have a lot of experience in it." Night winked.

"Don't remind me." Zia muttered. They had stolen a van and rented a car which they forgot to return. It was still parked in a parking lot in Daegu.

"Shouldn't we ask that to the monsters?" Taehyung asked.

Everyone frowned, trying to process Taehyung's words.

"Ask them how they came to Earth?" Jin said slowly. Taehyung nodded.

Zia thought about it. If they captured a monster, they could ask more about Eroth. "That could work." She said.

"How?" Namjoon asked.

"If we capture a monster, we can ask it questions. How did you get here from Eroth? Why do you want to kill us?" Taehyung explained.

"I like that idea." Jimin said, grinning at Taehyung, who grinned back.

"Me too." said Yoongi.

"How will we attract a monster?" Jin asked.

"A sign board saying 'We are here'?" Hoseok joked.

"Might as well invite them for dinner then." Jin replied sarcastically.

"Yeah, they'll enjoy eating us." Yoongi's words were laced with sarcasm.

"Okay, so we attract monsters, and then get them to tell us how they get to Earth. Then what?" Jungkook asked, summarizing the plan they had thought of in the spur of the moment.

"If we can, we use the same way to get to Eroth. If not, we kill the monster." Night answered.

"Weren't we going to kill it, anyway?" Yoongi asked, confused.

"Yeah, but it's justified then." She shrugged.

"How will we attract the monsters?" Jimin asked.

"I think we need to get out. We haven't left this place since we got Jin." Zia said. "If we leave the house and go out in the open, then a monster will see us and get a chance to attack."

Everyone agreed with her.

"Let's go then!" Hoseok said brightly.

"It's night. We'll go in the morning." Yoongi said.

"Vanilla, don't forget your sword tomorrow." Jimin smirked, a mad glint in his eyes.


{A/N}: The Phenomenal planning reminds me of  group project. 

Thank you so much for reading. What's your favourite part of the chapter? Votes are as usual appreciated. 

2k reads! I love you guys thank you so much. It's all because of you! 


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