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Everyone was staring at Yoongi, who was staring at the laptop screen.

It was a tense atmosphere. Jungkook was afraid to even move a muscle. He felt he was being watched, his every move could be used against him.

Zia was staring at the screen, her eyes wide like she couldn't see properly. Beside her, Jimin had placed a hand on the back of Yoongi's chair, idly leaning forward to take a better look at what Yoongi was working on.

Yoongi continued frowning at the screen and punched the keys aggressively. He groaned and turned around, coming face-to-face with Jimin. Yoongi didn't expect someone to be behind him and fell on his laptop.

"What are you all doing here?" He croaked.

"We're waiting for you to finish." Night answered him dryly. She was tired of Yoongi taking so much time. "How much longer?"

Yoongi had been sitting in front of the laptop for hours without moving. When Yoongi and Zia returned, only Jungkook was awake. They had found the laptop which, according to Zia, was crammed under Yoongi's stuff and she thought it broke.

"This kind of thing takes time." Yoongi answered curtly, regaining himself. Jimin also moved back, giving Yoongi space.

"You have been staring at the screen for hours. How much more time." Jungkook asked. Yoongi had started working as soon as they reached.

"I know, but I'm almost done." Yoongi reassured them.

Everyone sighed and moved towards the sofa, not having a mind for calling Yoongi out for lying.

Jungkook peeked out of the window and saw the moon shining brightly at him. The stars twinkling behind it as they also bathe in the moonlight. The dark sky makes the moon and stars brighter. The beauty mesmerised Jungkook.

How will the night sky look in Eroth? He thought. Does the planet have moons? How would it look? How would the people look?

These questions consumed Jungkook. None of them had ever visited Eroth. He didn't know what to expect there.

"Jungkook, are you listening! Yoongi tracked down J-Hope!" Jimin yelled in his ears. He landed back in reality.

"Where is he?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi looked at the screen and frowned. His lips formed words Jungkook couldn't recognise.

"Yoongi? What is it?" Night asked, looking at him, alarmed.

"J-hope is in Daegu." He frowned.

"We were there hours ago." said Zia, exasperated.

"Where exactly in Daegu?" Jungkook asked. He could feel the adrenaline pumping in his body. He was going to do something instead of sitting idle.

Yoongi licked his lips. "He is being held up in the outskirts of the city."

"We need to hurry. If the police track him, then it would be hard for us to get him." Jimin said.

"Daegu again then." Jungkook said, seriously. They didn't have time to joke around.

"Everyone get what you need." Night said, getting up to change her clothes into a more fight-like attire.

Jungkook placed his hands on his knees and got up to get banana milk. He unscrewed the top and gulped the whole bottle down.

"Are you seriously drinking banana milk right now?" Yoongi said, confounded.

"It is for building up my strength." explained Jungkook.

"That's how you build up your strength?" Yoongi mumbled. "I thought you actually worked out."

"You don't need to build up your strength." said Jimin, frowning. "Isn't it like already there?"

Jungkook shrugged and grabbed another bottle of banana milk. He lifted the bottle to his lips and washed the milk down. "Let's get it!" He said, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve, making his way out the kitchen.

Yoongi and Jimin shook their heads and followed him out. Zia was strapping her boots back and Night fixed her cap, which was covering her eyesight.

"Who's driving?" Zia asked.

"Not me." Yoongi yawned. "I just did."

"Nor am I."

Jungkook and Night didn't know how to drive, and Zia and Yoongi announced they weren't interested in driving.

"Do I have to drive then?" Jimin sighed.

"Do you even have a license?" asked Jungkook.

"I have one just for the sake of it."

"You won't crash the car, right?" Night asked cautiously.


Everyone looked at each other and made a silent decision.

"Best of luck, Jimin." Yoongi said, patting his back as he handed him the car keys.


Yoongi strapped his seatbelt and waited for Jimin to start. He was sitting beside Jimin while Jungkook, Night and Zia had conveniently taken the back seats.

"Please don't crash." Night reminded Jimin again, adjusting her seatbelt.

Jimin turned around, facing her. "Shut up." he said, turning around again. He took a deep breath before starting.

Yoongi gripped his seat out of fear. He had never experienced Jimin driving, and Jimin wasn't particularly confident about it either.

Their car journey was going comfortably. Jimin just ran over a few speed breakers which he couldn't see.

Yoongi's hands fumbled on the aux cable. Inserting it into his phone and playing songs. The drowsy atmosphere changed into an energetic one with everyone's positive approval. Soon everyone was singing along with the songs.

"Play this song again." Night said.

"No, he has already played it twice already." Jungkook said. Night pouted but didn't protest when the song changed.

"Jimin, are you tired? Should I drive?" Zia asked after a while.

"Yeah sure." he replied and pulled over.

After a while, Yoongi also stopped playing songs when Jimin fell asleep on Jungkook's shoulder.

Yoongi looked back after a while and saw Jimin and Jungkook peacefully sleeping and Night gazing out of the window, drawing circles on her tight with her finger.

Yoongi observed Night being consumed by her thoughts numerous times. She would concentrate on something and bury herself in her thoughts.

Yoongi faced the front again, leaving Night in her thoughts. He was tired. Even though he got some sleep in the morning, the day had worn him out.

"Zia." He mumbled. "Do you mind if I also get some sleep?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

Yoongi nodded and closed his eyes, falling into a peaceful slumber.


{A/N}: Hoseok's being help up in Daegu? Thankyou so much for reading. Don't foget to vote and comment on your favourite part. 💜

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